Archive by Author

Why do I have bad luck?

a few months ago, i had the best luck.. i would win a few hundred on scratch tickets, never get caught speeding, ect.. ever since the middle of october, i have been getting the worst luck, and they are mostly things that i didnt do, but i participated with someone.. example: accomplice to shoplifting (when i didnt know the person was stealing), 2 car accidents ( one was my fault and i broke a mirror [...]

Where can I get a spell book?

I have a wand but i dont know how see if my wand works also where can i get a spell book.

How can I move our romance into the next stage?

ive known this girl for almost 2 years weve kissed and hugged but never an actual relationship i was wondering if here was an easy simple spell or incantation i could say to arouse love in her heart for me especially sexual passion i really do love this girl but there seems to be a wall between me and her there when were around each other please help!!

Bring me money Spell

how can i can sole my money problem with you magic

A spell to choose a lover

Dear Rose I am at my wits end with confusion, I have 3 men who say they love me and honestly I love all 3 they are wonderful, the problem is I must choose who is the right man for me, I want to have a happy life, for many years I have had nothing but bad luck, in love and work and health I am tired, I need to find out which man is best for me is there a way to know this, if i follow my heart then i [...]

An Unblocking Spell

hi my name is i think my aunt and grandma and me are victims of black magic.i do not know what to do. well all feel the same things we pass out we want to throw up and the dr. told us we are not sik so can you help us if u can

How long does it take to become a Witch?

How lond does it take to become a wiccan/witch? ( I have just recently started and so far the first step is to study up, and i kno this can take a while.)

Will you please heal the marriage or my parents

Please Rose Ariadne, with your almighty powers, will you please fix the marriage of Colin P Curran and Kara Costa-Curran, (my mom and dad*). Can you please do this for me?

How do I join a coven?

well i want to be apart of this i really like wicca and i have fun doing it. but im new at it my frineds help as much as they can but i want to join a coven do you know any in utah that can help me preferbly one in layton or clearifeld??

Healing spell and charm bag

hi my caring witch,iam joshua,i need ur help, i want to talk with spirits and angels,please help me.iam week in physical and mental strength.all are cheating me like an animal,please help me to gain more strength and tell me how to make charm bag.thank you

A spell to attract Love

my sister really wants to go out with someone that has good looks and good personality and she cant find anyone and i cant either can you help me?

Is it possible to change my luck through witchcraft?

can magic witchcraft change luck? how it is posible?if it is possible then tell me how to i do it?

Help me – my world is falling apart

My world is falling apart I am 14 years old.I live with my mom and sometimes I get to see my dad,I go to school and I’m really smart and get my work done but I face so many problems.For starters I look up to you and I admire you alot,my family dont have much money or anything I mean theres enough food for my brothers, sister,aunt,mom and I our house isnt the worst but its so hard for us to keep [...]

Is it possible to move objects with black magic?

Hi, I’m a magician who perform magic tricks with gimmicked props. Nothing to do with black magic. I have a question. Is it possible for a person to move objects or even to fly (or float) if you have control with black magic? If yes, how long will it take to learn? Best Regards, Charles.

Good Luck Spell

I need to get rid of my bad luck on very urgent basis? Help me out!!!

Am I really a witch?

dear, rose im trying to find out if im a witch cause im confused im always mean to people and i belive spells and witch craft and all that stuff i just really want to find out if im just normal or if i have secrat powers and i dont know if im just normal cause my great grandmother is sycic and so is my aunt jojo i just really want to know if i have powers like a cycic or a witch please write back from [...]

Rose, are you mad?

rose are you mad

How can I make my lover come to me?

Hello. I’m a 16 year old girl and needing some help. I have a boyfriend named Lloyd Clifford. He’s the absolute love of my life. But an obstical is in the way. He lives in Love, Saskatchewan and I’m all the way in Airdrie, Alberta. We met at a cadet summer training centre in Coldlake. I was wondering how can I see him physically. Our parents are reluctant to let us see each other. [...]

How do I set up my altar?

Hi, rose, I’m having a problem setting up my alter…………. I don’t know how or what to do, will you help me? ty, Doyle your young apprentes

How can I avoid verbal and emotional abuse?

Hi Rose Ariadne! I’ve read your newsletters but in the enviroment I live in it’s impossible to try any spell. I have 0 privacy, I don’t have even my own room where I wouldn’t be disturbed. Can you please recommend something that suits my conditions and that works? I’m in a very bad situation where I’m surrounded by energy vampires and I constantly suffer from verbal [...]
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