A Spell to Ease a Broken Heart….

Hi Rose. I wanted to ask if there is a spell that can eas/heal my broken hart and help me let go of a person that i love but who left me and broke my hart.i reale nead this becose i cant move on with my life.i see him every singel day becose we are neighbours.i just cant let go of him i love him so much mub i dount want to love him any more pleas help me or advice me what should i do. Thank you very much Rose. Triinu.

A Spell to Mend a Broken Heart Cast this spell on Friday, the day sacred to Venus, when you have been let down in love and think your heart will never mend. But rest assured that it will. Some of the ingredients for this spell may need to be specially bought, so make sure to consecrate them before you use them. You will need: A teabag of strawberry tea A willow wand Sea Salt Two pink candles A mirror A pink drawstring bag A crystal of quartz A copper coin A crystal bowl that has some sentimental value to you One teaspoon of orris root powder One teaspoon of dried jasmine One teaspoon of yarrow A small handful of strawberry leaves Ten drops of apple blossom essential oil Ten drops of strawberry essential oil Place one of the pink candles at the end of a bath and start to fill the tub with warm water. With the water running, prepare a cup of strawberry tea. When the bath is ready, light the candle and soak in the warm water until you feel relaxed enough to weave the spell. As you dry off, sip the strawberry tea and then dab the strawberry oil around your face. Make your way to your altar and cast a circle with the willow wand. Now light the second pink candle and put the other ingredients into the crystal bowl. Stir them thoroughly, while speaking the following: “Mother Earth I ask you for nurture and protection. Give me the confidence to use the strength I have. And let it be done, that it harm no one.” When everything is thoroughly mixed, look at your reflection in the mirror and speak the following: “Mother Earth, help me to be the person I know I am, And let me overcome my difficulty. And let it be done, that it harm no one.” Pour half the mixture into the drawstring bag along with the coin and the crystal and close the magic making in your usual way. Leave the bowl containing the other half of the mixture in a place where you will be able to enjoy the fragrance. Keep the bag with you at all times and sleep with it under your pillow until you feel your broken heart healing.

Rose Ariadne: Providing “Magickal” answers to your Pagan, Wiccan, Witchcraft spell casting questions since 2006.

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