Cast off Evil Spell

please help me i beig abue by my father and he treaten to kill i want to cat a spell 2 make him tay away im sixteen and im scared 2 go2 authrites

Abuse is a serious issue. I hope you return to this site to read this. Abuse should never be tolerated by anyone. There will be someone who can help you in this situation. Try to talk to someone about it. Think of loving people in your neighborhood, someone who mothers you, a teacher, a friend’s mother, even a supermarket clerk if you can tell her that you need protection will help you. I hope you can get out of the house and maybe even go to a shelter. Hope you will learn to speak up about your father’s abuse. He is hoping that fear will make you stay silent while he continues his violence. However, you need to bring up your courage and tell someone. Sometimes strangers are much more loving that the people who are supposed to help us and encourage us and teach us how to live. Look around you and find someone to confide in. Or go to the police station if you can do that where you live. Take a friend with you and explain that you wish to stay in a shelter until you find a job. In addition to the above, you can do this spell to cast off the evil in your life. Here is the spell Cast Off Evil Spell This spell repels evil thoughts, intentions and hexes from those who want to hurt you. Get some asafetida (available in Indian stores), crumbled bay leaves, hyssop, rue and yarrow. Blend them together and add them to castor oil. Use cotton balls to soak up the oil and leave these stinky balls in the areas where harmful people come. This is really a protection spell, but it can also release people from the clutches of evil people. Hope you will do everything in your power to get out of your father’s home. Brightest Blessings.

Rose Ariadne: Providing “Magickal” answers to your Pagan, Wiccan, Witchcraft spell casting questions since 2006.

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