Dear rose, I hav been doing the craft for 3 years but nothing as become of it. Could i get powers? is there such thongs as powers? I hav always wanted to become a witch but mostly to help people. I am also a christian but people tell me that witchcraft is a bad thing, is it? i hav been a christian for a year now and i hav tryed to giv it up but i hav relized its who i am i want to be this girl who does magic because i understand it but not fully yet could you help me? vicki xooxoxo
Dear Vicki, Many Christians are witches too. There may be people who believe that witchcraft is bad. The reason is that for many years now, organized groups have tried to make their private religions sound better while belittling all other religions. If you meet a witch or a person following another religion and get to know them, you will realize that each of us are only trying to reach the same destination, the Creator. Its almost like people going to New York City, for example. Some people go by train, some by car and others by plane taking different routes. Who can say which route is better? People have the intelligence to make that decision for themselves, right? If they make mistakes, they learn from it and move on. Ultimately, no one can tell others what to do. What if the person who is doing all the talking is the one that is wrong? Have you ever wondered what religion Christ was? He healed the sick, he helped the poor and he loved everybody. Every individual in this world should make this most important decision, the way to seek inner peace, by themselves. When others try to meddle, we should gently ask them to mind their own business. We were given separate brains to think for ourselves, right? If you have tried witchcraft and have not done much in the past few years, a good book on Witchcraft like the one written by Scott Cunningham “A guide for the solitary practitioner” will help tremendously. This book is written by a person who knows Witchcraft very well and yet is not arrogant or egotistical, but explains everything to us like a grandfather would. As we gain more knowledge about Wicca and what it stands for, we realize that it does not stand in the way of any other religion. We can practice the good aspects of any religion and be a person who cares about the environment, cares about other human beings who co-exist with us as well as animals and birds. When we realize that even animals can read auras and sense our fear from afar, we understand that there are energies that we cannot see and that some animals are actually more aware of their powers more than many humans are. Reading books, practicing spells, exercising your psychic powers, etc .can slowly increase your magickal powers and soon you will realize that your thoughts are so powerful that you just need to meditate deeply on a wish and it will happen! That is Magick and anyone can do it. You don’t have to be part of any religion to practice Magick! Welcome to the world where every human has the potential to take the future in her/his hand; where our thoughts can be harbingers of good fortune or may lead us to doom. Where good deeds return good fortune three fold and where every human being is valued regardless of race or religion. So I hope you will keep trying to find your path, whichever route you take, it will be your unique path to find that destination, that goal that you seek for yourself. Hope this helps with your dilemma. Brightest Blessings!