Do friendship spells really work?

Can Magick help me get friends?

Below are a couple of spells to bring friends to you. 

During the waxing phase of the moon, light 3 brown candles. On a sheet of paper, write down the attributes you want this new friend to have. Speak each one out loud. When you are done, fold the paper in half twice. Light the edge of the folded paper with one of the candles and repeat this incantation:

With heart and mind I do now speak
Bring to me the one I seek.
Let this paper be the guide
And bring this friend to my side.
Pain and loneliness be no more
Draw a compatriot to my door.
With pleasures many and sorrows few
Let us build a friendship new.
Let not this simple spell coerce
Or make my situation worse.
As I will it, it shall be.

Let the paper burn out then snuff the candles. Within the next few weeks, you should meet someone with some or all of the qualities you seek.

To bring a new friend into your life

Say this chant while lighting a white candle:

Day to night, night to day, I call upoon my inner powers to bring me friends who will always be true.

Chant to bring new friends into your life

Say this chant while lighting a white candle:

Day to night, night to day, I call upoon my inner powers
to bring me friends who will always be true

Friendship Spell

Use this spell to let a friend know that you are there for them.

Need: A candle in the appropriate choice (orange works best), paper and a pen/pencil.
You need to cast a circle as usual and invoke the God and Goddess. Light the candle and recite the spell given.

On A piece of paper write this spell:

To help a friend’s whose mind is clogged,
help them see the world evolve,
let them see that people change,
and that know one stays the same.

After that put the paper over the candle flame and let it burn while thinking of the friend in your head.

Rose Ariadne: Providing “Magickal” answers to your Pagan, Wiccan, Witchcraft spell casting questions since 2006.

One Response to “Do friendship spells really work?”

  1. gale says:

    are there any spells that mend friendship?

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