How can I become a witch quickly?

hi my name is alex and i would like to become a witch really quickly? it will be for my own purpose into helping people when they need it most i know i would make a great witch all i need to know is how to become a witch in less than a second? please help. thank you

Merry Meet Alex, I am happy to hear that you would like to be a witch. However, I am not sure why you want to be a witch in less than a second. Witchcraft is a gift by which we human beings can change our destiny. If used in the right way, we can help ourselves and also help others to bring about peace and harmony in this world. Movies like Harry Potter may give the impression of magical transformations, but in reality, it takes years to become a good, effective witch. I can however, help you become a witch in one second. This is possible because you are already a witch. It will take less than a second to make you aware that you are born a witch. However, if you want to effect change in your life or the life of others, then you need to learn more about witchcraft, practice meditation and other ways to stregthen the mind and reach higher levels of consciousness. Focus is another important quality a good witch has. Regardless of what people may say, we have to focus on our goals and not let others change our beliefs. If you would like to become a witch, Alex, all you need is find books about it and learn to practice Wicca. As you’ve heard before, practice makes perfect! After a few days of serious, focused practice, you will be able to change many aspects of your life, in a better direction, of course. Hope this helps answer your question. Brightest Blessings.

Rose Ariadne: Providing “Magickal” answers to your Pagan, Wiccan, Witchcraft spell casting questions since 2006.

One Response to “How can I become a witch quickly?”

  1. Sophie says:

    Hello. I recently heard about wicca. Im in love with it. But, my family hates it. I really want to be a witch. Is there anyway i can be a witch without them knowing? thx

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