How can I find out if I have any powers?

Hello Rose first of all i get ur email today of 7 steps for easy magic (something like dat actually i dnt remember) i read Ch.1 nd i think i can say it will help me in increasing my inner magic level . So my qusn is dis dat i thing i hav some psychic ability or powers but i m not sure about dat i mean everytime i imagine a situation nd it turns to reallity so i really want 2 knw does i really hav any powers plz help me. . . Nd 2 help u more info bout me – i m a 15 years old teen nd i live in India.

Merry Meet Friend, I am happy to hear from you that you already are very gifted. Visualizing a situation and turning it into reality is exactly what Magick is all about. So you are already magickal in that sense. You have all the powers that any human being on Earth has. And you have the power to increase it all even more by learning, reading, practicing and teaching others. At fifteen, your best bet would be to complete your studies, get perfect marks in your spelling, earning excellent grades (remember, you can put your mind to it!) and to achieve all you can while you are young and the opportunities are boundless. As you get time during your summer holidays or other times, read more about mantras of your country and what they mean. Magick does not work unless you put your heart to it. So just blatantly chanting a mantra won’t help much. However, by understanding a mantra and what it means, you will become more aware (awareness is like waking up from a dream!) and knowing (knowledge is power!) that you can achieve the heights of your dreams. There is nothing more powerful than that realization. Use your awareness, knowledge and abilities to help others, for there is nothing more important in life than uplifting the disadvantaged around us. In fact, some people say that life is a test to see how well we will help others. You can start by saying a chant everyday to help your friends do well in school. Something like this: “Lokaha, Samastaha Sukhino Bhavanthu” meaning “Let all the beings in all the worlds be HAPPY”. See how powerful that is. You are not only thinking of yourself, but you are uplifting everyone around you too! Now, that is POWER! :) Hope this helps move you in the right direction. Brightest Blessings. Rose.

Rose Ariadne: Providing “Magickal” answers to your Pagan, Wiccan, Witchcraft spell casting questions since 2006.

2 Responses to “How can I find out if I have any powers?”

  1. wade says:

    help me build my inner magic powers

  2. sauni says:

    Hi,I have a similar kind of a situation. I mean my experiences are always weired but i cannot explain to people. For example at times i get strange dreams but few of them happen in reality. like i saw few days back that someone in my family fell ill, but i was sure it was not my mother and actually within days my uncle fell ill… in fact, the weirdest thing happened when some gal in my class stole my purse which had my lucky charm and after that i faced a lot of troubles…but i dont know how my lucky charm made it back to me…one of my other friends found it and so i got it back….i dont know why these things happen with me….i was hoping if you could tell me something….

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