How can I get rid of someone?

how do you get rid of a anoying coworker. this person is causing me great pain and stress. is there a spell to protect me from this mean bossy negative person. her name is annette fiore. can we make her leave her job.

Merry Meet Seeker, I can certainly understand why you are so frustrated with this person who is causing you pain. In most offices, there is a lot of conflict just as there is conflict in families too. However, there is a right way to resolve conflict and there is a wrong way to work through it. Whenever life throws us a curve ball (a difficult situation), our goal should not be to destroy the source of this situation, but to think of why this is happening at this time,. In our life, we will meet several nice people and several people who challenge our ideals and behavior. They are both useful for us as they help us grow more into mature and understanding individuals. How do we become wise? We know that it is not by destroying one “enemy” after another. Wisdom comes when we have stepped up to the task and proved that we are capable of more love and compassion. Only through more love can we “conquer” animosity from others. Of course, it is easier to throw a tantrum, wish that the person disappears or even work an evil spell on that person. However, wise people know that striking out at someone who is challenging us in not a good idea. We have to field the curve ball so as to avoid hurting anybody. Are you up to that? Speaking to someone who has a problem with you or getting another friend to help you are all ways in which you can work through a conflict. In Witchcraft, the smart ones know that trying to get rid of another being or publicly ridiculing her will only bring you sorrow.But if you show them patience and undertstanding, if you work with them to remove this conflict peacefully and make her into your friend, you may enjoy the benefits of this positive “behavior” soon. So the next time you think of “Getting rid of someone”, change your thoughts to “How can I get rid of this conflict and become friends with her?”. Brightest Blessings. Rose.

Rose Ariadne: Providing “Magickal” answers to your Pagan, Wiccan, Witchcraft spell casting questions since 2006.

3 Responses to “How can I get rid of someone?”

  1. ann says:

    There are three women who claim to be christian all practicing wicca and have formed alliance with each other. I know they are using wicca on me because things are changing rapidly and not for good. they have soul tied to me through a man and I don’t know how to break it and who can help me.

    what should do who should i go to

  2. Jessie K says:

    This is the deal. I hold no hate for this lady. But I have a hard time even hearing her name. She was MY soon to be husbands Exgirlfriend. They have no ties together. no kids, ect. They only dated and lived together maybe a total of 2.5 yrs. I want no harm done. l wish she would break ties or my old man would break all ties. They talk and text constantly (always behind my back, if there is nothing to hide than why??). To me this is so disrespectful. No I’m not jealous. I believe treat those the way you wish to be treated.
    If l was to do this to him.. We would be done with.
    The thing that really makes me boil is the fact he freaks out when l speak to anyone INCLUDING his family. I feel this is double standards. I was not raised like this.
    So is there a spell l can cast to have her move on with her life adn stay out of ours?
    Or maybe a spell to cast for my old man to decide whom he really wants?
    Honestly, I wish her well but gone for good out of our life it causes way to much static..
    Any Ideas?

  3. joey estep says:

    how do u get an ex boyfriend to stop hacking a phone and stop borthering u

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