how do i know where my father is?

how do i know where my father is

Merry Meet Seeker, I am sure you are very worried about your father. You will be able to find out where he is by using a magickal method called “Divination”. Here is a spell that you can use: Alphabet Divination Spell Get a number of sheets of white paper. Sit down calmly and cut the paper into small pieces, about 1 inch square. Make a lot of these pieces, as much as you can. Now write the alphabet on each of the pieces. Start with A on one piece, B on the next piece, C on the next, etc so that you have a lot (say 100) of these pieces with different alphabets on them. Get a large glass jar or bowl and place all of the alphabets in them. Close your eyes and visualize your father and what he is doing at that minute. Try to visulalize what is around him. Don’t think, just process what comes to your mind. It may have no reasoning behind it, but you may be able to “see” your father psychically if you try. Next take the alphabets in the bowl and mix them with both hands. Request your favorite deity to assist you with this work. Ask to see a clue about your father’s whereabouts. In one draw, take a number of alphabets from the jar. Arrange them on the table and see what message your father has sent you! It may not make any sense at first, but rearrange them until you are satisfied. Repeat with other questions if you wish. Hope this helps set your mind at ease. Brightest Blessings. Rose.

Rose Ariadne: Providing “Magickal” answers to your Pagan, Wiccan, Witchcraft spell casting questions since 2006.

One Response to “how do i know where my father is?”

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