Curse Removal Powder Spell

Dear rose, a friend of mine approached me and started talking – by chance, right the day after i was trained for my Reiki II level. she told me the story of a couple that practice black magic and have been placing spells on her. she recently had a dream (it sounded more like an out of body experiment to me) which she saw them talking and placing needles in a poppet; she could feel them and woke up screaming and purple. she also said that they broke up ties with every friend or partner she has. i have experienced magic before, mostly herbal through Cunninghams’ writings and yes it works; i mostly stick to purification and cleansing rituals. she asked me if i can help. i can do cleansing rituals for her with herbs plus Reiki which teaches how to do a protective shield (they are really similar come to think of it) however, these people are strong professionals that have been doing this for years,, and they’re evil! i tried explaining to her that we have love and we are good people and that always wins since darkness always yield to light. i very much appreciate any tips or advise you can give me. i’m pretty certain if i do get into this i can protect myself but i also want to help her break anything that has been placed on her. regards; Leii,

Merry Meet Leii
It is wonderful to hear from a fellow Reiki practitioner. Yes, some people have such strong spirits which they use for negative purposes. If only they turn around and make the world a much better place!
I hope your friend is okay. Regardless of what evil this person has done, she can find the power within herself to get rid of their destructive work. Here is a spell that will enable your friend to remove the current hex if any exists and also to resist any more being placed on her.
Curse Removal Powder Spell
For this spell, you will need some red sandalwood, regular sandalwood, myrrh, pine needles and some frankincense. You can get them from an occult store or from dependable online stores. You will also need some charcoal and a fireproof way to light it.
Step 1: Grind the sandalwoods, myrrh, pine needles and frankincense to powder.
Step 2: Light charcoal and gently burn the powder
Step 3: Waft the smoke from the charcoal and take it through the home and around all persons in the home. Be careful.
Step 4: Meditate and visualize your goals to make yourself protected psychically always.
Step 5: Promise to donate an amount that you can to a shelter or a food bank to gain some good karma to keep you above these negative experiences.
Step 6: Go to the crossroads and disperse the ashes in all the different directions while you visualize all of you problems being resolved and dissolved.
Brightest Blessings

Rose Ariadne: Providing “Magickal” answers to your Pagan, Wiccan, Witchcraft spell casting questions since 2006.

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