Gender change….

Yes i would really like to get a real life gender change spell one that is viable in real life withput a lot of frustration and aggervation. I mysel would like to change my gender from mlae to female as i have been in mnay more past lifes then male and so am wondering still why i am male once again in this life as i was not suppose to be but was suppose to have ben female once again in this current lifetime. Oh well. Jay!

Hello there Jay, Can you change your sex via magic? The answer to that would most certainly have to be, “Sorry… but no.” That really is not what magic is intended for or how it should really be used. Let me explain a bit…. Magic is not like they generally depict it to be in television shows or on the silver screen. Magic is not about flash and flare. Magic is not about slinging hexes and shooting lightning bolts or flying on broomsticks Magic is not about gross physical transformations – be it into a beast, or another person, or what have you. Pretty much if you have seen it on Charmed or read about it in Harry Potter, then it is not really what magic is about at all…. That is not to say that those shows or books are bad. In fact, I enjoy them quite a bit… but just like people cannot really fly like Superman and just like hookers do not look like Julia Roberts and get swept off their feet by Richard Gere… these are just works of fiction meant for our entertainment and amusement. They are not meant to be taken literally or used as guides as to how things really are…. So, if you are genuinely interested in changing your sex, I would suggest that you thoroughly think the matter through and do as much research into the procedure as you possibly can. At that point, if it still seems like the appropriate option for you, then I would suggest seeking out a qualified physician and taking the next step in that manner….

Rose Ariadne: Providing “Magickal” answers to your Pagan, Wiccan, Witchcraft spell casting questions since 2006.

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