Happy Home Spell

Dear Rose, My name is Chelsie, and I’m 17 years old and very interested in witchcraft. The past few years, my family has come across many unfortunate circumstances, and I was wondering if you could assist me in giving me information about how witchcraft could help. My parents both lost their jobs two years ago, and we lost our house. We had to move 1000 miles away to Pennsylvania to live with the only family that had room and funds to help us. We finally have our own home again, but money is very tight, and my family (my parents, and soon to be three younger siblings) and I are still very stressed. We are barely holding on to this home, and there is no extra money. If I had a job or my step father could get a better job, life would be so much easier and enjoyable. Thank you so much for taking the time to read this.

Merry Meet Chelsie,
It is indeed wonderful to meet an enterprising and loving person like you. I can see how much you worry about your family and your future. Of course, there are many ways by which Witchcraft can help you become happier and wealthier. Since you can reach the internet, you may be able to find good spells for each of your problems.
Witchcraft is the oldest tradition on Earth. In ancient times, when our world was young, people lived in peace without having to worry about the next day. Everything was bountiful and the young Earth provided all of its inhabitants with sustenance, joy and love.There were no religions or wars at that time and people lived an amazing, magickal life. They respected the bounty from the Earth and thanked it as well as the entire Universe for their good fortunes. It was a wonderful custom of give and take. When people took a fruit from a tree, they would thank the tree and the tree would give forth even more. SImilarly, people treated water, air and other natural elements as precious and rare and took a lot of care to preserve their environment.
In contrast, people now suffer because of lack of gratitude and overuse of resources. Witchcraft is the way to find our roots again. By protecting the trees, removing the pollution from the water and other ways of increasing our natural wealth will enable us to get that connection back. Witchcraft uses only herbal and natural items. Nature and its unlimited amount of spiritual powers are capable of making all of Earth’s inhabitants happy and satisfied.
A spell such as a happy home spell can easily transform your home into a place for joy, love and prosperity. Here is one such spell:
Happy Home Spell
For this spell, you will need some 1 stick of cinnamon and 3 cloves. Heat some water in a fireproof pan and when it boils, add the cinnamon and cloves. Allow it to simmer for a few minutes. The aroma of these spices (that were gifts from nature) will bring an aural of happiness and tranquility to your home.
Brightest Blessings.

Rose Ariadne: Providing “Magickal” answers to your Pagan, Wiccan, Witchcraft spell casting questions since 2006.

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