How can a disabled person find love?

i have been in disabled all my life i always tried to not let it get me down but sometimes i had bad days. as a teenage i started practicing magick my friend, another witch, said i was born a witch. soon i discovered my childhood playmates are my spirit guides & their games were to help me though the bad days disability would bring on. be in a wheelchair hard guys didnt want to take the times to see me for who i am a person. so for reason i never found love. magick is a part of my life that bring me comfort, but now my disability is making it hard. my disability is terminal and cause me alot of pain. i find it hard to focus on a spell or any magick. i have spinal muscular astrophy type 2, muscular dystrophy. doctors told my parents i wouln’t live past 5 yrs. old, well i 31 in sept. and i dont plain on giving up on life. i wanted to work a spell to help me find love but my pain and pain meds. are making it hard to focus on the spell and the man i trying to find. i was thinking of paying a witch to cast the spell with me but i cant afford it. if you have advice that could help or know of a better way to a spell or someone to help work a spell. i just feel so alone sometimes. i just wish for the same as everyone a partner(a man) love and enjoy life. thank you for your time. blessed be, diana

Merry Meet Diana, Its so wonderful to hear that you have accepted who you are and are not focused on what you cannot do. Each of us are disabled in some way. For most of us, our disability is not very evident. It may be buried deep inside the recesses of our mind and we may be unable to fathom the damage it does to our lives. However, your disability seems to be only on the outside and you seem to be a mature loving person. As they say, the more we give to the world, the more we get out of it. If you are not confined to the indoors, do try to get out and help teach or read to kids. Children in safe houses or homeless shelters would love to see a smiling face. By getting out there, you can be heard and seen by others who have giving hearts too. Many people say that they found love when they were not looking for it. Join a team or organization which is known for giving. There are groups that teach others to read, craft, cook, speak, sing; anything you can do from a wheelchair. Always know that love is just around the corner. Even at 90, people have found love. Try this spell: Gather the rose petals from about five roses. Grind them with a mortar and pestle and use your fingers to roll portions of it into tiny balls. As you roll the balls (or beads), chant : Flowers of divine love Bring love to me! After the beads are partially dry, carefully make a hole in each bead using a sharp needle. When they are completely dry, make a necklace out of the rose petal beads and wear it all the time. Love will find its way to you! Brightest Blessings!

Rose Ariadne: Providing “Magickal” answers to your Pagan, Wiccan, Witchcraft spell casting questions since 2006.

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