How can I control my desires?

This may sound ridiculous, but I’m currently in a 3 year relationship with my boyfriend and I love him. However, I can’t stop having feelings for his best friend (who is dating my best friend). I’ve already decided not to pursue those other feelings because it’d ruin a perfectly good friendship with three of the most important people in my life. What I’d like to know is if there is a way or a spell or something that could help me cast aside those feelings and help my love interests stay on my boyfriend? Thanks, Karen

Merry Meet Karen, You seem to be a very strong person who would like to make the right choices in life. I am happy to hear that you are in a 3 year relationship with a wonderful person you love. Your beautiul and long lasting love is indeed a rare blessing. In life, most of us have many things we desire. When we watch TV, we desire some of the items that are advertised; when we see someone sing a beautiful song, we sometimes wish we could sing like that or write a poem similar to the song. At times, when we walk through a shopping area or a mall, we do “window shopping” and plan to buy some of the items later. Similarly, in life, we meet many people we may be attracted to. Instant attraction raises our blood pressure and affects our thinking and may last a while. However, attraction may also end as quickly as it had started. Life has a way of playing out such scenarios for the benefit of teaching us patience, satisfaction and thankfulness. When we have some candy in our hand and we see some more on a store display, do we throw away the candy we have and rush to get the ones on display? Although candy is not comparable to a loving relationship, the idea here is that we will always crave things, ideas, images and real people, but we should always be thankful for what we have and not run after what we don’t have. The more thankful we are for what we have, the better life will be for us. You may be attracted to one person now in the three years of your relationship, and you will find more such “exciting” people as life goes on. However, the true strength of your character will be revealed by your complete faith in this relationship and how you deal with “distractions” in the future. Remember, your boyfriend also gets similar feelings among the many people he meets daily. True love and fidelity depends on mutual understanding and a goal to make the marriage exciting. Discussing issues as they arise, going on vacations together and planning your future life together all helps to make a solid relationship. A spell is worked when we really want something to be created. In this instance, the flame of love has already been ignited in your life. All you need to do is to keep the flame going by working towards a solid relationship while avoiding all distractions. Brightest Blessings. Rose.

Rose Ariadne: Providing “Magickal” answers to your Pagan, Wiccan, Witchcraft spell casting questions since 2006.

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