How can I convince my mother that Wicca is safe?

how do I become a wiccan my great aunts raised me around “witch cratf” like things and I enjoy it and think that wiccan is what I would like to be im 14 and my mom said “I will not have anything to do with you being a saintin lover” I tried to explain to her its not evil. they believe in the earth and mother nature and that its not a black magic thing and that your not supossed to do magic on others or harm them or your self so how do I do it on my own?

Merry Meet Seeker,
It is a joy to hear from children who are eager to practice Wicca. Yes, you are so right, Wicca is a nature based religion that is a wonderful way to live by. The priciples of Wicca are simple and yet very powerful. And like every other way of life, there are people who will do benevolent actions and those who do malevolent actions. It is people who are inherently flawed, not religions.
However, you are very young and still living with your parents. So you have to listen to them and abide by their rules until you turn 18 or whenever you are considered an adult. Until then, enjoy reading about Wicca.
After you become an adult, you won’t need anyone’s permission to practice any religion. By then, you should have talked to your mother about the benefits of Wicca and promised her that you will not dabble in any black magick. I am sure you are aware of Wicca’s important rule. Do what you will and don’t harm anyone. The three fold law does bring back the returns as predicted, and its not an “old wives tale”. Of course, when we experience a bad day, we always exclaim “Why me?”
You are fortunate that your aunts are experts in Witchcraft and they can guide you along when you are ready. So be patient and learn all you need to know so that you can practice when you have the freedom to choose your religion. Meanwhile, study your lessons and succeed in school so that you can become independent.
Brightest Blessings.

Rose Ariadne: Providing “Magickal” answers to your Pagan, Wiccan, Witchcraft spell casting questions since 2006.

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