How can I hurt people through magick?

tell me a way to hurt the people who i want to get hurt….if u help me is no matter…i juz need a spell….can it be done and will it be effective?

Merry Meet Seeker, It is unfortunate that you want to hurt others (who may have hurt you?). Money has very little to do with it. However, if you give money away to people who need it, you will be very happy in your life. As for people who hurt us, hurting them back will only lead to a vicious cycle of violence and negative energy. The world is a messed up place because of all the anger directed at each other. It will take a long time for some people to understand that you and I are the same; created by the same source; returning to the same source and living a human life on this beautiful planet called Earth. What we do to others comes right back to us. If you think that there are people who keep hurting you, think of the times when you may have hurt someone. It could’ve been years ago and the person may have forgotten all about it, but the Universe doesn’t forget.. No way!. Regardless of when we dole out harm to others, we get it right back, three times larger. And No, this is not an “old wives tale”. Usually, when something or someone hurts us, the only thing we need to do is watch and wait and wonder if we provoked them in any way. If you do nothing and wait, you may soon see that the person who hurt you, will get hurt in some way without you having to life a finger! Sometimes, they hide the hurt from others and we feel that they have a good life. One thing is for certain, however.If you don’t harm anyone, you will have a wonderful life. Of course, there will be ups and downs; for that is what we came to the Earth to experience. But you may never have to cry “Why me?” Hope you understand the way the Universe works. Instead or hurting ourselves (by hurting or even having thoughts of hurting others) , do positive spells that will help the world and see how much satisfaction you will get in return! Hope this helps answer your question. Brightest Blessings.

Rose Ariadne: Providing “Magickal” answers to your Pagan, Wiccan, Witchcraft spell casting questions since 2006.

2 Responses to “How can I hurt people through magick?”

  1. Steven says:

    Frozyn That’s an unfair assessment I bet she knows how and her advice is as good as it gets. Take that from a guy that has been harmed in a way that I do not wish on anyone, the person that did it will die but the universe is our learning center and apparently the man that wronged me must still have much to learn, or it’s true that only the good die young. Your never going to be happy as long as your hate rules you, it took me 7 years to learn that, let it go for you not them, they’ll get whats coming to them, karma is a bitch.

  2. Bob Bob says:

    What a worthless discussion. Idiot karma and happy-go-lucky morality is the answer to everything I suppose. Just recite the Golden Rule and accept weak majority cultural standards of reality, which accept nothing mean, cruel, or dark about the world. The universe includes both aspects, the nice and the not nice. Nice people are simply naive.

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