How can I improve my life?

i need to change my lifestyle, attitude and all that. Yesterday my friend, prabjit, told me that i was being too clingy and so they didnt want to be friends with me anymore. and the school year just started last wednesday. i thought to myself what the hell is wrong with me? why am i getting too creepy all of a sudden? so i was wondering if there’s a possible way to make that situation disappear as if it never happened, giving me a second chance to change my act. Also, there’s a second friend, amandeep, who also said i was too clingy. yes i agreed to stop being so clingy obviously. but its just that i have a crush on amandeep and i dont know what he thinks of me in general because he says a lot but i dont know where he’s going with it. what can i do?

Merry Meet Seeker, I believe that it is not very nice of people to say negative things about you. However, you have the right attitude. Instead of complaning that your friends were rude to you, you are focused on changing your re-actions. You obviously want to improve yourself. I am so glad to hear that. It is always better to respond than to re-act to life’s challenges. Yes, most of us, at one time or another have heard negative comments from other people. Sometimes it is our sisters or brothers who criticize us and at other times it is a parent, boss or teacher who may point out things that need improvement in our life. You attitude will help you go a long way because you have an open mind and you are willing to make the changes necessary to end conflict. One of our biggest advantages of life is that we can change our attitudes anytime. When we are older, relationships can be very difficult when compared to our cute and cuddly childhood when everyone laughed at whatever we said. When we become young adults, we have the added pressure to get “boyfriends” or get married soon, etc. One of the ways by which we can make good use of “advice” from others is to listen carefully and ask questions. If you ask Prabjit or Amandeep why they think you are clingy, you may get an insight into what behavior in you brought out these comments. It could be that you want to spend all your time with your boyfriend or that you don’t like them even talking to other girls.Or it could be something else that you had no clue about. One way you can get over most of life’s disappointments and difficulties is to become more spiritual. Read books such as “Conversations with God” and “A New Earth” which are not religious books. From it, one can learn what spirituality means. Although “spirituality” is something people move into as they get older, it is far wiser to start practicing it when we are younger. Its like doing the homework early and then enjoying the rest of the day. So read more about your own center, how to reach that center when you feel off-balance, like when someone talks down to us. It is important that you learn your internal power and the presence of the Divine within you as early as possible. Nothing and No one can faze you after that! :) Hope this helps. Brightest Blessings. Rose.

Rose Ariadne: Providing “Magickal” answers to your Pagan, Wiccan, Witchcraft spell casting questions since 2006.

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