How can I know why my brother in law has an attitude towards me

my brother in law has an attitude towards me and i need to know why.

Merry Meet. It is really unfortunate that your brother-in-law is not being honest with you about what is bothering him. Have you tried asking him? When he is in a relaxed mood, while you are all watching a movie or sitting at a restaurant, you can bring up the subject and ask him, “Hey, did I do something to hurt you?” or something similar along those lines. If he keeps repeating that there is nothing, then mention that “for a while now, I have been thinking that there is something that bothers you, maybe about my behavior” I just thought we’d clear the air. I hope that your brother in law will be able to talk honestly with you. This method of communication not only clears the situation and allows you both to relax and it also sets the tone for your future relationship where you can speak candidly to each other. If this conversation did not help ease the tension, ask a relative’s help. If that doesn’t work, here is a spell to keep the peace between family members: Mix sugar, salt and dragon’s blood powder. Fill a small bottle with it. Seal the bottle with red wax and keep it in the kitchen (the heart of the home) to maintain peace in the home and surroundings. If you do not wish to show the bottle, place it in a white cover and seal the cover. Decorate the cover with protection symbols, peace symbols and runes. Hide the envelope somewhere in the house where it will stay hidden. Blessed Be.

Rose Ariadne: Providing “Magickal” answers to your Pagan, Wiccan, Witchcraft spell casting questions since 2006.

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