How can I learn Wicca?

I have always been interested in Wicca, because my mother (as well as grandfather, and some other family members) practiced in the past. Due to some family issues, and not getting to live with my mom for almost my whole life now (I just turned 25), I have never really got to talk to her that much about it. I wonder how I should start looking into it, and which books to check out. Some books seem a bit silly to me, and not real, or that they might steer me in the wrong direction. I’m hoping I can find ways to make myself less shy, and have less anxiety as well. Is that possible? I’m not looking to cause anyone harm or anything, but I do wish to help people with non-superficial things. Thank you so much for helping people out, and taking the time to read this. I really appreciate it! -Ilona

Merry Meet Llona. I can understand your eagerness to learn Wicca. It is very unfortunate that you cannot talk to your mother and learn from her. However, I hope that one day you will be able to see your mother again. There are few people in this world who can get lessons on Magick directly from their parents or grand parents. You are very blessed that you already have people who believe and practice Witchcraft. The major religions have caused so much confusion in the spiritual world that it has become difficult to separate the good from the not-so-good beliefs. There are many ways in which you can learn Wicca. First, let me tell you about the vast treasury of knowledge that I can share with you at: If you would like to get some books, try these: Wicca: A guide for the solitary practitioner – Scott Cunningham. This author has also included his Book of Shadows. Witchcraft today – Gerald B Gardner Principles of Wicca – Vivianne Crowley and many others you can find by just googling “Amazon Wicca”. You may also find books in used book stores, occult stores and other online stores. Also, you may find other Wiccans in your area by going to and searching for people in your area who get together to discuss Wicca. There is also a site This site allows you to find people in your area by using the drop down menus on the left sidebar of the webpage. Keep an eye out for gatherings in your town newspaper such as spiritual gatherings or beadshows. There are many ways in which you can find others who are interested in Wicca. Ilona, I hope that you will be able to learn Wicca and reduce your anxiety while you bravely go out into the world and help others through your keen Wiccan powers. Brightest Blessings. Rose.

Rose Ariadne: Providing “Magickal” answers to your Pagan, Wiccan, Witchcraft spell casting questions since 2006.

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