How can I put money in my pocket?

Dear Rose, am very happy to beintouch with someone like you, am very tried of my life, cus i dont know what is going on with me, i always love to work hard to put some money in my pocket, but after my hard working, i will realize that i still dont have money in my pocket, am very confuse about it. please Rose try and tell me what is going on.

Merry Meet Seeker, Life is a wonderful gift for everyone. First of all, we need to understand that we can change our life. The most important asset we have is our mind and spirit. Even if we lose everything else, we must not lose our mind. The mind is what helps us experience what we came to the Earth for. However, by strengthening our mind and meditating on the deepest secrets of life you may find the way to be happy forever. Wouldn’t that be nice? When we thank the Universe for what we have, we get more! Let us take your job for instance. Many people are out looking for jobs in this terrible world economy. Many of them have large families, small children, sick people, old people, etc to look for. Think of their worries! I am sure they wake up every morning worried about not getting a job, worried about the sick person dying, worried about the child getting sick, etc. Let us focus on your life. What do you have to worry about? What blessings do you have to thank the Universe for? What you focus on, happens. If you believe that your money will run out, your money will run out. On the other hand, if you do this spell and keep your thoughts posivite, thinking that you will get the money you need and then some, you will certainly be happy in life. Try this spell which will increase your income: Bring me Money spell Carve a green candle with your desires. Use the money signs, picture of a pocket full of money, etc. Now dress the candle with More Money Oil. Place the candle on a saucer. Arrange some coins around the base of the candle. Every morning, add one more coin and chant: Money Grow, Money Flow Candle Burn, Watch me Earn! Visualize money pouring out of your pockets. Repeat as necessary. Hope this helps you build quite an eggnest Brightest Blessings. Rose.

Rose Ariadne: Providing “Magickal” answers to your Pagan, Wiccan, Witchcraft spell casting questions since 2006.

One Response to “How can I put money in my pocket?”

  1. terry says:

    Dear Rose:
    I am truly needing your help My partner and I are in money trouble and next week. I go into the hospital for and operation. I am scared about our money situation. and other problems.
    we have been bitting at each others heels ever since I found out the news.Can you send and
    old witch and his soulmate some healing spells to help us get thru the next few months.
    Especially money spells.Thanks much your little brother Terence Paul

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