How can I unlock my inner magick?

my name is sherlon james. I am 13 years old since as long as i can remember i’ve always into witchcraft and i want to learn how to learn unlock my inner magic. please help

Merry Meet Sherlon James, It is wonderful to hear that you have been interested in witchcraft for a long time. However, it is not that difficult to learn it. The power is always within you. You don’t need anything external to start working on life. Witchcraft is the way people who believe in themselves create their dreams. The first step to witchcraft is believing in it. If you believe that our thoughts can change the direction of our life, you have mastered the first lesson. The second step is to learn to collect your thoughts. Find a space where you can sit in private and read some spiritual writings. I don’t mean the religious kind where they tell you that you are slaves to an unseen God. I am thinking more in the lines of “Conversations with God” or “A new Earth” etc. which tells us that we are powerful beings who are spirits which have come into this earth to experience the human life. As spirits, we are not the sinful, lowly humans that others depicts us to be. We are magickal beings who are powerful enough to change our destiny. Every thought we have leads us closer to the next step in our life. Whatever occupies our mind is what will be transformed into reality the next day. So if you want a certain dream to come true, align your minds to it and set your goal while focusing on everything you can do to invite that reality. Suppose you want good grades in school. If you think that you will get barely passing grades even though you try very hard, you have defeated your dream already. You have to change your thinking to “Hey, I am going to get good grades this time” and act accordingly. Get up early, look through your lessons, do your homework, prepare for your exams and do everything you can to ensure that you will get good grades. Also, in your mind, visualize getting those exam papers back with a big FAT A on them!!! or a score of 100! Whatever means success to you will come to your life ONLY If you are prepared for it. If you live life half-heartedly like most of the religious people in the world, afraid of an unknown, unseen entity that may never show up, our life is not going anywhere. However, if you live life fully, with intention, by aligning your thoughts to your goals, a year from now, five years from now, willfully designing your life, you will succeed beyond expectations!! And that is real MAGICK! Hope this helps Blessed Be.

Rose Ariadne: Providing “Magickal” answers to your Pagan, Wiccan, Witchcraft spell casting questions since 2006.

3 Responses to “How can I unlock my inner magick?”

  1. Makenna says:

    HI Sherlon! My name is Makenna! =) Im 12 years old and I’m really into magick too! I just wanted to let you know that even though your still young and you may not be able to do as much as you could if you were older like buying the right herbs or whatever you can still do many things with just the magick in you! Lol blessed be!

  2. Tanis Gee says:

    i am 16 yrs old and although my mother is a witch and my dad a druid, i still cant feel my magic despite their help, ive been in places where magic is noticable by even novices and it just intrusive. Whats wrong with me? Why cant i feel and use my magic?
    Oh Ps: im a what i consider a warrior druid i believe in nature but im a fighter by nature. maybe thats the problem?

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