How can magick help me?

how magic can help me?i want my boy friend love me for ever?but how? by magic? i feel depressed..i ask u to help me.

Merry Meet Seeker,
The best way to live life is the magickal way. All of us are born with magickal powers. Those who did a lot of good deeds in their previous lives may have a lot of good karma points collected. However, those who didn’t take care of others and always thought of themselves may have very few karma points and hence their powers may be reduced tremendously.
In the arena of love and intimacy, one cannot and should not use magick. So trying to get a boyfriend using magick is a no-no for all. Life is magickal and at the right time, we will meet the person meant for us. Keep your eyes open but don’t do anything particular to attract a mate. Otherwise, you may end up with the wrong person.
To find a good partner for life, you can visulaize one. It is not good to visualize a real person because you will be forcing them to join you in life. Instead, relax and sit down to write the requirements that you need for a perfect husband. You may have written out his good qualities but also add some that you think he lacks in. With good Karma, you may get the person you are in love with.
To make sure that you are both compatible, the best thing to do is to work on increasing your karma points. For this, you can volunteer to help others, donate money to a food bank, help your family, relatives or friends etc.
The Universe is always watching! The more sincere you are, the more wonderful your life will be. So sit down and meditate on your good points and bad points and write down on paper how you can improve your life. When you have improved it, you don’t have to worry because the Universe will reward you!
Brightest Blessings.

Rose Ariadne: Providing “Magickal” answers to your Pagan, Wiccan, Witchcraft spell casting questions since 2006.

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