How can we make our wishes come true?

can you make wishes come true

Merry Meet Seeker, A very good question indeed. We have all heard the saying “Wish upon a star”. Similarly, we can wish on our own spirits whenever we need help. As witches believe, the whole Universe is just waiting to do our bidding. Do we really believe that? Yes, witches know that we can make our wishes come true at any time by using the power of our mind. Many people pay others to work spells on their behalf. However, these people do not know that they can wish it themselves and make their goals happen. When we are children, we believe in magick. And then, as we grow up, people in our life keep INSISTing that there is no magick, there is only an invisible God who grants wishes whenever HE wants to..We believe these false prophets and slowly lose our magick. Unfortunately, these religious nuts then proceed to take over our life! To save ourselves from the grip of Non-sense religious beliefs and take our magick back, we have to educate each and every person about the Magick that we are born with. As a newborn baby, we couldn’t speak. However, we were fed when we were hungry, changed when we were wet and played with when we wanted to have fun. The Universe is like that. Just think of what you need and it will come around to you. No kidding. However, most people are so confused that they’ve even forgotten how to wish for something. Wishing should not be like begging – please, pretty please, get me a red bicycle.. ? No! Wishing is believing that you already have everything you need. How do you show that? By being thankful for EVERYBODY and EVERYTHING in your life. Just think of what you are thankful for today. You may say, you are thankful for your clothes, your food and your room, maybe? However, we tend to forget our parents, grandparents, our sisters and brothers, our pets, our jobs, life, vision, ability to walk, talk, think, dream, etc. Our blessings are ndless list, aren’t they? To enable ourselves to be powerful and creative, we have to make our minds so thankful that we naturally believe we are enjoying the very thing that we are wishing for. If you want an ice cream, just think of having the cone in your hands, dripping icecream on your fingers, licking it, etc. This process is called Visualization and can be learned through the practice of meditation. You can make your wishes come true by learning more about witchcraft and what we are capable of in this life. Hope this helps make your wishes come true. Brightest Blessings. Rose.

Rose Ariadne: Providing “Magickal” answers to your Pagan, Wiccan, Witchcraft spell casting questions since 2006.

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