Hello Rose, I am new at this I just wanted to make sure before anything that there are no negative effects that can come from doing spells in the long run. Also I wanted to see if you could help me find my true inner talents and what it is that I love and would succeed in life with,in matters of making myself happier and financially. Thank you for your time! Claudia
Merry Meet Claudia, Great question, indeed! Many of us think that we will know what our talents are by the time we are adults. It doesn’t happen that way. There are some lucky folks who know what they want to do even without much thinking. For the rest of us, the only way we can find out what we are good at is by trying new things everyday. School is supposed to allow us to try different things in the various years we are in school. Think of which subject you loved in school or which activity you loved at home. You may also work a spell with the intention of finding out what is the best direction your life needs to go towards. Try volunteering at the different places you think may be good for you. Think of what makes you happy and go with it. Of course, if you stick to the simple spells which use your own intuition, energy and psychic powers or persuasion, you will have no negative effects at all. In fact, all you may have are benefits. However, if you try to work in black magic or any spell that may intentionally or unintentionally hurt someone else, then you will defintely hear from the Universe. With experience, your luck will improve steadily and make yourself happier in life. Brightest Blessings. Rose.