How do I make my spells work?

dear rose i’m 14 and i have trouble making spells work please help me also my parents don’t know i practice wicca and i cant get any more supplies please i need your wisdom “luna”

Merry Meet Luna,
I am glad that you wrote to me about your problems. Wicca is a religion that many people are attracted to. And there are many people who do not use supplies and are able to make their spells work. Supplies and tools are used to extend our energy or assist us in our spell workings.
It is easier to follow a religion when you are an adult. As a teenager, you are expected to do as your parents advice you to. Even if you don’t like it, you have to learn and discipline yourself so that you will grow up into a strong adult that your parents will be proud of.
When you are independent and have a job, you have the freedom to practice any religion you wish to. Until then, just practice Wicca in your mind. It is our mind and spirit that makes or breaks a spell. If you want to make your spells work, start with writing down what is on your mind. When you have it all down on paper, close your eyes and visualize your goals.
If you cannot find a private space inside the house to visualize your goals,you can find a place outside, like the shade of a tree or any safe place around your home where you can sit in peace and focus on your spell.
You may use flowers, leaves, rocks, etc to make an outdoor altar if you wish. The most important step is to believe in yourself; that is, to use your own wisdom!
Hope this helps answer your question.
Brightest Blessings.

Rose Ariadne: Providing “Magickal” answers to your Pagan, Wiccan, Witchcraft spell casting questions since 2006.

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