What happens? when you ask a question that means more to your life – and your death. When it means more then anything apparent within personal perception, … when you ask ? and there is NO answer forthcoming? does that mean, that actually … there is no answer? or just does it mean, … that no one else, knows it? ~ dreardan
Greetings Dreardan! What a wonderful question! You are a thinker, for sure. It may seem that many of our questions do not have any answers. However, the wisdom of the ages is “programmed” into each of our cells. Yes, it may seem like nonsense to some, but to others, especially the thinkers, it makes perfect logic! Just think of the question – Where is God? Some people believe that God is a male entity (white / caucasian hiding somewhere far, far away judging our every action. Oh, by the way, HE is also fighting Satan since HE is not powerful enough to annihilate this smart and sly entity called Satan. IF God is all powerful and created all of Universe, then HE must be powerful enough to destroy all of creation too, right? Or, maybe Satan was an imaginary, abstract form of evil that was created to scare people into a certain way of life, or religion ( by we know whom.) Also, other religions’s Gods have ALSO declared that if you don’t follow their doctrine, you will rot in hell. Oh well, since we can only follow one religion at a time, all of us are going to hell, right?
So we can go on and on and think about this for as long as we have time.. oh by the way, time is also man’s imaginary creation. The only way I see it is that the creator is everywhere, IN everything, OMNIPRESENT! That means, every stone, every animal, every human, the Air, the Water, EVERYTHING is created by the same entity that is present in everything we see and don’t see. I have always found answers for all my questions by meditation. The deeper we go, the clearer things get. Try different types of meditation – classes, you tube, internet, guided meditation, etc until you find the one just right for you! You will find that you are the best person to answer all your questions!!! P.S – try to read the book “Conversations with God” by Neale Donald Walsh. Hope this helps! Brightest Blessings
I have a seriou question and i dont really kow how to use this site or have anyone to ask…okay so im sorry if im doing this all wrong
I have this boyfriend and no matter how many times i pulled away from him i always end up back with him i mean unimaginable forces have pulled us apart
and i love him so much
but everyone says he is marked by the devil that he has a “spirit” or something an emmisary of satan around him and he has many reason as to why like when he gets mad bad things happen for example a screw driver went into the wall almost hitting his dad in the head when he was mad at his dad but he doesn’t remember it and hi entrie family swears on it and they say it feeds off his misery animals and kids hate him only animas that like him are rotwylers (spelling) those really mean dogs
then there is me who is the exact opposite animals and kids love me when i was little this bull would follow me through the fence envery day just walk with me and ive been visited by spirits before many that ak me for help and i try my best to help them andthere is so many tings i could say about me and him that i cant even fit on here
we describe us as ying and yang
but…i need to know…what happens to one when the other is gone? and what happens if one over powers the other…
This is simply good transcendental common sense and much in tune with me,spirit proves spirit,just as one drop of water proves a source(hp)of water.