How do you scry to find a lost item?

How do you scry to find a lost item? If possible, I would prefer to use a crystal hanging from a yarn or a leather cord. Can you please help? Thank you, Jacqui

Merry Meet Jacqui, Scrying is the most basic method of divination through a smooth surface. Although a pan of water is all we need to scry, what is more important is our mind which needs to be still so that it can receive the message across from other realms. Patience and a desire to understand and explore the vast beyond is an absolute must for Scrying to be succesful. There are many methods of scrying including scrying with water, oil, ink etc. Scrying using crystals include mirrors, crystal balls, polished gemstones, uncut and rough gemstones, etc. Romany diviners used round, polished crystal balls made with clear quartz, smoky quartz or aquamarines to read the future. Scrying is not done by swinging a pendulum. It is usually worked by placing the object in front of us and gazing into it. Any random occurence may be scryed as the energy surrounding it may offer some clues to your questions. It helps if the object is smooth and shiny and of course very natural. Scrying may be perforemd on liquids such as water and oil, heated iron (gazing at the red hot shapes that are revealed), egg broken and dropped into hot water, etc. One of the key things to know about crystal scrying is to get the gaze just right. We have to look intently at the object although in a leisurely manner, almost like looking at a hologram – with eyes slightly out of focus. To accurately perform divination, one has to gaze into the crystal. Watch out for shadows or shapes to follow. Allow your mind to wander. Brightest Blessings. Rose.

Rose Ariadne: Providing “Magickal” answers to your Pagan, Wiccan, Witchcraft spell casting questions since 2006.

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