I live in the southern hemisphere and the seasons are
switched. When are the sabbaths then?
Merry Meet!
Thank you for your question – it is an important aspect of wicca / paganism / witchcraft that you are enquiring about. As a southern hemisphere pagan / witch / wiccan, there are three things you should take note of:
1. Altar placement: In the northern hemisphere, the altar is placed in the north. In the southern hemisphere, the altar is placed south.
2. Elements and quarter calling: In the northern hemisphere the quarters are called East-Air, South-Earth, West-Water and North-Fire, in that order. The circle is thus called deosil or clockwise. In the southern hemisphere the quarters are called East-Air, North-Fire, West-Water and South-Earth, in that order. The circle is thus cast widdershins or anti-clockwise. 3. The southern hemisphere Sabbaths (traditionally)Â are as follows:
There are other views held on this subject by southern hemisphere pagans, but the approach I have just given you is the traditional approach. This traditional approach is based on the movement of the sun through the sky.
Samhain – 30 April
Yule – 21 June
Imbolc – 2 August
Ostara – 21 September
Beltaine – 1 November
Litha – 21 December
Lammas – 2 February
Mabon – 20 March
As you can see, the Wheel of the Year for Southern Hemisphere Pagans are directly the opposite of the Northern Hemisphere Pagans.
I sincerely hope that this answers your question.
In love and light and with the Brightest of Blessings!
I recently launched the Litha 2008 Newsletter for our new creation, Ancestral Coalescence. I have had a wonderful response, including many from the southern hemisphere. Some have asked I add a column acknowledging them. I began my research and found this page.
I would like to ask your permission to refer to or use this bit of information in our next newsletter, Lammas 2008. A link up request is also extended. Feel free to browse our website and newsletter at you luxury and let me know what you think. I am looking forward to hearing from you.
Many Solstice Blessings to you and yours.
Marilee Rake (aka Snowfire)
Esoteric Consultant
Ancestral Coalescence