How to get rid of my abusive boyfriend?

i need to get rid of my boyfriend he is verbally abusing me and if i leave him im afraid he will hurt me please help me ge him out of my life without him hurting me or the people i love

Greetings! It must surely be hard to see how loving someone can result in abuse and fear. There are many people who find joy in hurting others. Always make sure that you do not hurt him with words or actions. Let him build up his karmic debt. He will pay in the future, and you do not have to lift a finger for that. Let his karma take care of teaching him the lesson he needs to experience. I hope you can call the authorities if the abuse gets serious. There are so many people who will understand your plight and will help you stand on your own and begin life anew. You will need the following to be able to release him and set yourelf free: Photograph of the two of you together taken in a happy moment 1 white candle Fire proof dish with some fresh and/soil or salt in it. After a nice, healing bath, light the candle and sit down at the altar and meditate on the photograph. Stare at it for a while. Now set it on fire using the candle’s flame, starting with the side of the picture on which your boyfriend is at. Put the buring picture in the dish with the soil and let it burn. Chant: Our love is now filled with grief I return your life to you I relieve you of all power over me This life is mine – I set me free! This is my will, so mote it be. Brightest Blessings!

Rose Ariadne: Providing “Magickal” answers to your Pagan, Wiccan, Witchcraft spell casting questions since 2006.

One Response to “How to get rid of my abusive boyfriend?”

  1. Sarah says:

    Did this spell work!?

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