I wanna be a witch

Hi there. So I’m 11 years old. I enjoy the thrill really of anything paranormal. Magic ecpecially! I really wanna be a witch. No I understand the creatures aren’t real but I just wanna be a witch! Oh can you please help? Thankyou xxxx

Merry Meet Seeker,
It is indeed wonderful to hear from a 13 year old. This is a great time to look into spirituality and witchcraft as our days and nights at this age can be very tumultuous. This is a time when you think at times as a child and at other times as an adutl. This metamorphosis from a child to an adult is an amazing time to look in to Witchcraft.
Seriously, the dramas on TV, the movies about Wizards and such are not part of the Witchcraft that is actually beneficial for us. Many people ask me how they can transform them into a cat or dog, etc, just remnants of the magic (not magick) that has taken hold of the masses recently due to the movies.
In REAL life, Witchcraft is the most important power that keeps us protected, healthy, happy and prosperous. Many people pray for what they want and may not get it because they are rooting from a state of want. If we cry about how sad or unhealthy or poor we are, the Universe which listens to all of us assumes that we want to stay in that state always. So we really don’t get what we need in life and will be perpectually in sorrow.
On the other hand, if, as in Witchcraft, we enable ourselves to dream of what we want and then visualize that dream into reality, the Universe is only too happy to see it happen.
So my advice for you is that you read a lot of good, positive books for teenage witches and try to make your mind weaker and your spirit stronger.
Brightest Blessings

Rose Ariadne: Providing “Magickal” answers to your Pagan, Wiccan, Witchcraft spell casting questions since 2006.

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