Is Homosexuality a sin in Wicca?

Is homosexuality a “sin” in Wicca?

Merry Meet Seeker, The word “sin” does not exist in Wicca and in many other religions. The word sin was coined by one religion to control people and scare them into following the wishes of a powerful few. Now let us see what the word means and compare it to the terms in Wicca. Sin is supposedly the act of doing something that is not approved by the invisible, male God. Sin is something that we do “wrong” and something that will make a judging, vengeful God angry! Thankfully, there is no such God in Wicca who constantly judges the people “HE obviously created?” Why would an all powerful entity give you freedom to think the love and then tell you that you are doing it all wrong? Why give that ability to humans anyway if they are not supposed to use it? Why not all of us tune to God’s brain and only use HIS? Obviously, you can see the flaw in this reasoning! Thankfully Wicca allows us to think for ourselves and act according to our own belief in the Universe that is self-sustaining, non-judgemental and always empowering us with its beautiful, inspiring energy! Homosexuality is accepted in Wicca. As the Wiccan Rede suggests: do what you wish unless it hurts another. You may fall in love with a person of the same sex, bless that union (called marriage or by any other name) and live happily everafter. However, all rules that affect human relations do pertain to this relationship. If one starts to hurt another, in any way, they will see that the harm returns three fold. All those humans who just wish to love each other and start families should be able to do so without being judged by the world. And this goes for every entity(man, animal, thing) born on this realm and all other realms. Brightest Blessings. Rose.

Rose Ariadne: Providing “Magickal” answers to your Pagan, Wiccan, Witchcraft spell casting questions since 2006.

One Response to “Is Homosexuality a sin in Wicca?”

  1. Badar uz zaman says:

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