Is witchcraft OK for Christianity?

im a christian and wanted to know if christians are allowed to do witchcraft …but for good though.i told mii mom how i wanted torrot cards and she said no because it opens a gate way to …….places but i got some any way and i tried it once and nothing happen i hadnt since then but any way are things like this o.k for mii religion .: tHAnkS:.

Merry Meet Seeker, This is a troubling question for people who follow Christianity. Although Jesus was not a Christian and he was a healer (he healed his disciples magickally) some authorities in Chrisitianity cannot understand how witchcraft works. Although people who spoke of God also mercilessly burnt to death women and men that HE supposedly created, it is still Witchcraft that is getting the wrath of Christianity. To answer your question, you have to ask your family and your church. Witchcraft is a very large and widely spread way of life in most of the world. People of all religions follow witchcraft without any problems. Witchcraft is not afraid of any other religion. Only the people who are afraid they will lose something (money?) will be afraid of witchcraft and its practice. Witchcraft uses the power of each individual’s mind to create the future. It asks for no money and there are no tithing practices or prosetylization where they tell people horror stories and scare them into converting. Witchcraft does not condone hurting anyone. As you can see, the old, pagan ways of living are far better and more dignified that following a religion that condones killing or alienating people one way or another in the name of an imaginary creature the Satan and his invention, the sin. If you wish to enjoy the practice of witchcraft and your family follows the Christian tradition, it may be wise to wait until you are twenty one or so before you join Wicca, the religion of Witchcraft which has a large following. There are no monolithic organizations, no building and no worship in Wicca. Hope this helps answer your questions. Brightest Blessings

Rose Ariadne: Providing “Magickal” answers to your Pagan, Wiccan, Witchcraft spell casting questions since 2006.

2 Responses to “Is witchcraft OK for Christianity?”

  1. Zoey says:

    I am so glad someone asked this question because I’ve been having the same problem! So I can really sympathize with you when I bought tarot cards though my mother burned them and called them evil. I’m so glad to hear I’m not the only one with this issue.

  2. sucker stand says:

    wo…i find it so long.thangks!

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