Money Spells

how money spells work?it is true?

Greetings! Almost everyone in this world needs money. Financial worries are one of the major problems for people all over the Universe. To get a friend, we have to first be a friend. To find love, we have to be willing to give love. Money works in the same way. Money spells work by encouraging the flow of money from you and to you. The law of Karma works to ensure that what you put into the world comes back to you. So the more generous you are, the more money that you will get. If you find that money is tight, it may mean that you have stopped giving to others, to the universe and that the flow of money to you has stopped. Money spells do work. However, you have to work the spell with complete faith and be strong enough to let the spell work without any interference from your part. There are many types of money spells. Some are for getting specific amounts of money. Others are for increasing your wealth many fold. There are still other money spells that will bring back money owed or borrowed, inheritance, etc. Here is a simple money spell for you: one jar collection of pennies Put the jar where you can see it everyday. In the morning put a penny in the jar and chant: Wealth flows into the Universe Prosperity come to me! When the jar is full, donate it to charity. Hope this helps bring you tremendous wealth, health and happiness. Brightest Blessings.

Rose Ariadne: Providing “Magickal” answers to your Pagan, Wiccan, Witchcraft spell casting questions since 2006.

3 Responses to “Money Spells”

  1. Jan says:

    Hi Rose.

    I can’t even buy you an Ice Cream. That’s how broke I am. I do believe a spell has been placed on me. I never get ahead of life. People owing me. Well i think you’ve heard it all. One day i took a photo of my dad and a image of a cat appeared on hid head. They never had it good

  2. A rama krishna says:

    How can i know the black magic is om any person

  3. Tony says:

    Hi rose pls i drink sarchet water to tel u dt am empty no me what to do.+2348065165614

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