None of my spells work

Hi Rose Thank you for sending me your weekly spells. When I first contacted you a year ago, the intention was to improve my life. I have for the past year diligently cast your spells to no avail. I’m still in the same position. I’m not sure what to do anymore cause my spirit is broken. Is there anything I can do to correct this? I’m desperate but refuse to give up. Please help.

Merry Meet Seeker,
It is really unfortunate that none of your spells worked. However, there are many reasons why a spell, regardless of how it was done, may not work. Here are some of the reasons:
1. Good deeds – Life gives us back what we put into it. Think about your childhood and all of the years through to your current age. How many good deeds have you done so far? Good deeds are not those that we do for people when they “ask” for help. Good deeds are those we intiate from our spirit in order to benefit others when they are not even aware of our help.
2. Intentions – Even if our intentions are honorable, we have to “give” without expection of a return. That means we cannot even offer money to a poor person while thinking “I am being so good today and the Universe will make me rich”.
3. Everything we do will be or should be like nectar flowing from a flower – pure, sweet and with no strings attached.
4. All negativity should be avoided in life at all times. For example, when we cast a spell, even if a hint of negativity such as “maybe I am doing this incorrectly” or “this place may not be the best for this spell” or “I haven’t done anything good recently” etc. are enough to negate any energy you may have mustered until then.
5When you are completely in positive energy, full of hope and in a mood to help others along with yourself, you will certainly be richly rewarded – instantly.
So go ahead and be happy knowing that the magick is within you and in the right circumstances, you will be able to make all of your dreams come true.
Brightest Blessings

Rose Ariadne: Providing “Magickal” answers to your Pagan, Wiccan, Witchcraft spell casting questions since 2006.

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