Reusing candles for spells

Let’s say I am doing a spell that needs me to dress a white candle in a certain type of oil. But then a few days later, I am doing another spell that requires I dress a white candle in a different kind of oil. Is it ok to take the white candle from the first spell and wipe off the olf oil and use it for my next spell?

Greetings! Witchcraft is all about belief and preservation of nature. Recycling is our number one priority because it saves the Earth from continuous destruction. Your question is very valid and very useful. Yes, you certainly can reuse candles. Just make sure that you cleanse the candle first.The candle is a tool in your spell workings. You will therefore need to cleanse it using any of the accepted methods. You may sprinkle salt over it chanting ” This candle is now cleansed”. Or you can sprinkle water in which salt has been dissolved. Or wash the candle in that water. You may also use incense to cleanse the candle. Just allow the smoke to waft through the candle (after washing and wiping it.) You may also use herbs such as rosemary, basil, tulsi, etc to remove all negativity that may have been absorbed by the candle from its previous spell. Usually a candle gives off fire and is a generator of positive energy. When you have cleansed the candle, you can use it for your new purpose. Rest assured that you have saved the world, a little at a time. If all of us used natural substances for all our needs and also learn to reuse these items, the destruction of the Earth’s environment will be reduced. As population increases, it is imperative that all of us join and help with the preservation of our world’s resources. Hope this answer helps you in your quest.. Brightest Blessings.

Rose Ariadne: Providing “Magickal” answers to your Pagan, Wiccan, Witchcraft spell casting questions since 2006.

One Response to “Reusing candles for spells”

  1. monica says:

    i wat to be a Witchcraft like u
    my space is [email protected]

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