Spell to increase possibility of conception

My husband and I have been trying for a baby now for over a year….more like 18 months almsot now with no joy…so could you please assist us in this matter in one form or other, please note I’ve read somewhere I may need to bathe in some water or similar..well we haven’t got a bath!!! Only a shower!!! Hope you can help as I would dearly love my parents to become grandparents before they turn 65 or as close there too…next March and June!!! Many thanks in advance, Amanda Jane Stuart

Merry Meet. It is wonderful to hear from you, Amanda! I know how heartbreaking it can be to try again and again to have babies and be disappointed. You have the right mind set though, and this belief will certainly aid you in realizing your dreams. One thing most of us mothers know is that conception is affected by stress. If you have gone to a doctor and found nothing physically problematic with either of you, then you can relax and let nature take its course. Along with practical ways such as temperature method, mucous method and hormone level checking methods, you can get a pretty good idea about when you are at your best fertile period. It is no use worrrying at any time. When you see babies, imagine holding them, singing them to sleep, etc. regardless of whose baby it is. Volunteer at a day care or kindergarten and interact with babies. Although they seem to be tiny human beings, their blessings are of immense benefit to your spirit. Their smiles, sticky kisses and even their smell can induce changes in your hormones that will enable you to hold your own baby soon. When your fertile period comes around, both you and your partner can perform this ritual together. Take a nice long bath (shower is fine) with an herbal aroma to relax you. Massage each other with herbal oils such as jasmine or basil or anything else available that will be soothing and relaxing to you. Follow your natural instincts as usual, but instead of worrying about the baby, both of you will chant: Fertility, grow in me. Beautiful baby, welcome into this world. After chanting this three times, enjoy the rest of the time loving each other and thinking of how blessed you are already. Do not plan any dates for the baby to arrive. The spirit who wants to join your family will come in her/his own time. Wear a charm in the shape of a fish, bull, ram or unicorn to increase fertility. Always be hopeful. When you have negative thoughts, dispel them with hopeful, happy images of babies gurgling, cooing, smiling, etc. Think of all babies in the world as yours to love unconditionally. Hope this helps you relax and focus on the wonderful life you have already.. while allowing nature to take its course. Blessed Be.

Rose Ariadne: Providing “Magickal” answers to your Pagan, Wiccan, Witchcraft spell casting questions since 2006.

2 Responses to “Spell to increase possibility of conception”

  1. Heather says:

    I want to have a baby with my boyfriend, but he says the timing isn’t right yet. Is there any kind of spell or craft I can use to make him change his mind? Please help I’m 26 and soon to feel to old to have one…

  2. sbird says:

    i am trying to get pregnent from 2years pls help me

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