Swedish Whammy

Hi, I met a Swedish woman about thirty years ago. We became wildly intimate. I was aware she dabbled in the occult because she showed me a picture of a female friend of hers who was living with an Indian shaman in Mexico. She visited the friend for about three weeks. She never told me anything about her association with sorcery and such. However, I believe she may’ve put a love spell or something on me. Although she returned to Sweden, got married and had kids, I can’t stop thinking about her no matter how hard I try. This can’t be normal. It’s said Scandinavian women go overseas to find a true lover so that they can secure love memories before they return home to dull, boring lives as wives and mothers. I’m fairly certain this happened in my case. The only problem is this situation seems to have become a one-way street. She gets to hold onto me spiritually somehow while I have no love life at all. One evening when we returned to my apartment she stood me next to the bed, took the blanket off it and placed it over our heads. She whispered some words in a language I didn’t recognize. Then, it was over. I never forgot this incident and it may have something to do with why I can’t seem to forget her or place her into my memory filing cabinet like all the other women I’ve known through the years. I don’t know if any of this makes any sense to you, but I’d be very thankful if you could help me end this situation so that I can go on with my life in a happy, healthy way. At the very least, perhaps you could point me in the right direction where I might find an answer. Franklin L. Johnson [email protected] ——————————————————————————– Get a sneak peek of the all-new AOL.com.

A Spell to Counter Another’s Magic If, for some reason you believe that another person is using magic in order to adversely affect you in some way, you can make use of this simple spell to remove their negative influences. What you will need: Two teaspoons of almond oil Rosemary essential oil A mixing bottle A sheet of white paper A black ink pen A white altar candle A purple taper candle A fireproof bowl Place three drops of the rosemary essential oil and the two teaspoons of almond oil in the mixing bottle. Charge the mixture by rolling the bottle between the palms of your hands, focusing your thoughts on the purpose of your spell-weaving as you do so. Set this aside. Light the white candle, focusing on the flame. As you do this envision whomever is responsible for the negative influence upon you growing smaller and smaller within the confines to the flame. Anoint the purple candle with the charged oils, drawing the oil away from you as you do so. This will help to redirect the negative influences away from you as well. Now set this candle aside. On the white paper write the words, “All blocks are now cast aside.” Fold the piece of paper in half three times. Now light the purple candle and use its flame to set fire to the folded paper. Place the lit piece of paper into the fireproof bowl. Focus on the flames, repeat the following aloud three times: “As this paper burns away, Elements please hear me pray, Turn back the ill will sent to me, And send it on its way.” As the flame dims, see the ill dissolving with them, then bring the session to an end by smothering the flame the rest of the way.

Rose Ariadne: Providing “Magickal” answers to your Pagan, Wiccan, Witchcraft spell casting questions since 2006.

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