What does an upside down pentagram mean?

I’m Interested in someone who is pagan yet they have an upside down pentagram tattooed on him. I only see this one way he tries to convince me otherwise.

What does he try to convince you otherwise? That it’s only an upside down pentacle, or that he is a Satanist? I need to know more information. By the way, by definition, anyone who is not Christian is Pagan. To see anything as only one way is small minded.

Rose Ariadne: Providing “Magickal” answers to your Pagan, Wiccan, Witchcraft spell casting questions since 2006.

3 Responses to “What does an upside down pentagram mean?”

  1. I have always been interested in the wiccan ways, but, this one time I found a book on making an animal your Familiar, I used it on my cat (Isis), ever scince then theres times when she looks at a sertain spot for a long time and I look with her, when I look I hear some wierd noises… And theres times when she gets near my head she starts meowing for a long period of time does this mean anything or am I just paranoid…?

  2. alicia mohammed says:

    i think this is too short more information is needed

  3. Tristian says:

    “Pagan” acutally means the belief in more than one God. There is a Mother and Father God.The pentagram has been around for awhile and used in several different religions. It was first used in Mesopotamia as a symbol of imperial power. For the Hebrews the pentagram stood for truth as well as the five books of the Pentateuch. In Egypt it is known as the underground womb. Early christians used the pentagram to represent the five wounds of Christ. The christan emperor Constantine even used the symbol as part of his seal. It is also seen in the Arthurian story of Sir Gawain and the Green Knight. In this story it stand for the five knightly virtues. For many cultures the symbol stood for protection against evil and could often be seen above doorways and windows to keep evil spirits and demons at bay. The most common meaning of the pentagram today is associated with Wicca, it still stands for protection but the five points have connections to the elements, (spirit, water, earth, air, and fire).

    It is also known as the Endless Knot, the Blazing Star, and during the times of the Inquisition it became known as the Witch’s Foot, this is also around the time that the symbol became know as evil by those who burned and killed others.

    Actually it was at one time used by the early church as a symbol of the five wounds of Christ and was more common than the cross or crucifix — so they did not all think it was “evil”.

    The pentagram (also called pentacle, pentalpha, pentancle, pentagle, or pentangle) as a five pointed star symbol itself is quite ancient. The use of the pentagram dates back to Uruk IV (c.3500BCE) in ancient Mesopotamia where the general sense seems to be used to mean “heavenly body” or “star”. In later use however post 2600 BCE the pentagram means something more like “a corner angle” and gets used variously to mean either “region,” “heavenly quarter” or “direction”.

    Amongst the Hebrews, the five point symbol was ascribed to Truth and to the five books of the Pentateuch.

    In Ancient Greece, it was called the Pentalpha. Pythagorians considered it an emblem of perfection or the symbol of the human being. The pentagram was also associated with the golden ratio (which it includes), and the dodecahedron, the fifth Platonic solid, which has twelve pentagonal faces and was considered by Plato to be a symbol of the heavens.

    A curious, and somewhat astronomically irrelevent, occurance of cyclical positions of Venus will determine the points of a pentagram figure in the morning or evening sky during certain times of the year. Plotting the recurrence of Venus’ westward elongation from the Sun, over six consecutive synodic periods, will create the points of a pentagram.

    Ironically the word “pentacle” actually comes from the same French root word for “to hang” and means -any- amulet worn as a pendant, and so even though there seems that there should be a connection between them, the Greek word “pente” for five in pentagram is not the same.

    It is very similar to the ancient Egyptian hieroglyph for “the gateway to the otherworld/afterlife”.

    The first English mention of a pentagram appears In the legend of Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, Stanzas 27-28 (1380 c.) where Gawain the most “perfect” knight, carries a shield which is in heraldic terms called “…shining gules, With the Pentangle in pure gold depicted thereon.”

    ” It is a symbol which Solomon conceived once
    To betoken holy truth, by its intrinsic right,
    For it is a figure which has five points,
    And each line overlaps and is locked with another;
    And it is endless everywhere, and the English call it,
    In all the land, I hear, the Endless Knot. ”

    So in Arthurian tradition the pentacle represents the five wits, the five fingers, the five wounds of Christ, the five pure joys of Heaven’s queen with her child and the five virtues: generosity, fellowship, purity, courtesy and mercy.

    The Dutch in the Post-renaissance period used the pentagram as a medical symbol representing the Doctors’ Guild. It appears as such from the 16th century onwards, on the Pharmacopea.

    When an apple is cut through its equator, both halves will reveal a near-perfect pentagram shape at the core, with each point on the star containing a seed. Many Wiccans, other Neopagans and Roma (Gypsies) continue to cut apples in this way. The Roma refer to the core as the Star of Knowledge.

    Most recently it has been claimed by the Wiccan religion to represent earth, air, fire, water, and spirit. Or alternatively the four directions and spirit.

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