When will Love find me again?

when will love find me again?

Merry Meet Seeker,
I can understand that you are waiting for love to come to you. However, why not go out there and find love for youself? It is best to visualize a person who will fit you to a T. You may begin by writing down what type of people you find attractive. Loving, honest and simple people make the best partners. If we go looking for the most beautiful handsome or intelligent person to share their life with us, we may be very disappointed later.
Now that you have the time to contemplate on your future, why not do a spell to create your own destiny?
High John Conjure Bag spell
For this spell, you will need the following items: One male and female High John the Conqueror roots. You will also need some dried Damiana, catnip, sweet almond oil, magnet oil, high John the conqueror oil, a red flannel drawstring bag and a love drawing powder.
Step 1: Steep Damiana and Catnip in Sweet almond oil overnight.
Step 2: The next day, strain out the botanicals and set aside.
Step 3: Dress the female root with this sweet almond oil infused with damiana and catnip.
Step 4: Dress the male root with Magnet Oil and High John the conqueror oil
Step 5: Put them in the red flannel bag
Step 6: Sprinkle with the love drawing powder until you meet your future partner.
Brightest Blessings.

Rose Ariadne: Providing “Magickal” answers to your Pagan, Wiccan, Witchcraft spell casting questions since 2006.

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