Where can I find a local coven? I live in Co.Cork Ireland btw.
Merry Meet Seeker,
It is wonderful to hear that you are interested in joining a coven. There are many ways to find a coven near your home town. There is a wonderful website that helps us find covens and other information closer to our home.
This link is :
When you visit this link, look to the left of the page. You will see the names of the countries that have covens or groups of witches.
Step 1: Click on your country – in this case, UK Regions. Then click of North Ireland. It seems that there are no covens in South Ireland. If you are in North Ireland, you are lucky and can continue the search for a coven.
Step 2: You click on the North Ireland link : http://www.2eggmarketing.com/answers/Assets/PHP/%22http://www.witchvox.com/vn/hm/ukgb5.html%22
Step 3: To your left are HOT LINKS to complete listings for Northern Ireland. To add your profile, event, group or skill you will need a FREE Witchvox account and be logged in.
Now you can browse the site and find out more about the activities in your region. Click on the links to see extensive detailed list of all gatherings and the timings and details of each event. You may even be able to find some email addresses of coven sisters and brothers so that you can expand your circle even more.
If you do not have a coven or cannot find anyone in your area, do not worry. Search on Yahoo groups and Google groups with the search word “Ireland Coven” or “Ireland Wicca” or something similar and you will surely find a hit. Just as we visualize and create our future, your power can lead you to most wonderful things indeed!
Brightest Blessings