Where does Magick come from?

Hi,As a Spiritual Seeker, I am wondering what is the source of magick. Where does it come from? I do not really believe it is the “product ofthe devil” as some state. I am curious to hear the other side. Thanks Roban

Greetings Roban, All things in this world including the birds and the bees as well as rocks, mountains, streams, etc are made up of the same material. All forms of life on earth can be broked down to an elemental level – the atom. Many of the older, pagan religions believed in the powers of nature, from which we spring, and to which we go back. Everything in nature is cyclical, including the creation of the Universe. As scientists find tools to measure the vastness of our solar systems, they are finding that our Universe exists beyond our imagination. To think that we are the only ones in this Universe is really ignorant. Many of us have had experiences in which we meditate or visualize on some happening and lo and behold, it actually manifests in our life. Some of us are better at using this power than others. This power with which we can change the course of nature, is called Magick. The source of this magic is Nature itself. Along with the other planets, the Sun, the Moon and all of the celestial objects in the starry sky, we are part of this huge Creation that is made up of nothing but pure, pulsating energy. The intelligence of each of these entities lies in the smallest cell of their bodies, the atom, which is magickally an atomic representation of the Universe (planets around the suns are similar to electrons and protons around the nucleus) itself. The idea of creation in which every entity has the power to change or evolve is so much more credible than the weird theories that some organized religions have put forth. Has anyone actually seen the God that these monlithic organizations love to talk about? If I were God, who is full of love, I would not be far away from my creation. I would guide them, enable them with power and purpose and basically be around to see how they succeed in the environment I created for them. Hope this helps you understand where Magick comes from. It comes from within us, it surrounds us and it may absorbed or guided by us. We are spiritual beings on this Earth for a human experience. Brightest Blessings!

Rose Ariadne: Providing “Magickal” answers to your Pagan, Wiccan, Witchcraft spell casting questions since 2006.

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