Who is your source of Power?

i ha ve only a short question…. do u believe in christ and who is your source of power?

Merry Meet Seeker.
A very good question indeed. I believe that Jesus of Nazareth was a man who was born in Jerusalem. In his young age, he traveled to the East and learned all about Spirituality. After he returned he was a changed man. He preached about loving one another and treating each other as brothers and sisters. He was a healer and he healed people through the power of the Universe which is available to all. Many good people got his message and try to live, simple, loving lives. Many of his teachings were the results of his travel through the East and inlcuded the teachings of Hinduism (and Buddhism which was an offshoot of Hinduism)
However, it was around the third century A.D that people created a religion based on the teachings of Jesus and started calling themselves Christians. In contrast to the teachings of Jesus, they divided people into Christians and Non-Christians and also started the Catholic religion. Women lost their powers as literacy came into the world. There was nothing as dangerous for women in society as the invention of the printing press. Men started to write whatever their imagination allowed and slowly, divisions and disparity in society showed up in most countries. As men wrote all the religious books, violence and war became rhetoric and anger, revenge, subjugation, conquer, control, kill, and other negative terms were glorified even in “so called” religious books.
Jesus of Nazerath was a special human being who learned from the best and tried to teach the rest. Unfortunately, the world still insists on war and delienation on some reason or another. Jesus tried to bring people together. His followers, to this day, try to divide people into “good” and “bad”. Jesus persuaded everyone to love each other – Christians kills us if we love each other (esp gay people) . Jesus asked people to forgive and forget. The Christian Church may never understand Jesus’s message.
Yes, I believe that Krishna, Buddha, Jesus, Gandhi and many others walked on this Earth and used their powers (the same powers that we can also use) to do good. We don’t have to worship them because the same Universe that granted them powers granted us the same. All that exists, yesterday, today and tomorrow exists NOW. Remember that time is a concept created by humans.
The source of all our powers is the same. The sum total of all the powers in all the worlds is the Universe (everything that exists everywhere). So we should all strive to be like Krishna, Buddha and Jesus, of course; to help and heal one and all alike.
Hope I have answered your question.
Brightest Blessings.

Rose Ariadne: Providing “Magickal” answers to your Pagan, Wiccan, Witchcraft spell casting questions since 2006.

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