Will I go to hell if I choose the Wiccan Religion?

Will I go to hell if I choose to go in to the wiccan religon?

Greetings future wiccan! Hell is a term coined by the Christian religion to make others follow their path and theirs alone. It was a way to scare everyone away from other religions that existed at that time. Those other religions such as Hinduism, Buddhism, African Religions and practices and many other Pagan Religions are still around with people much happier and fulfilled that anyone who believes in hell, satan or sin! The Christians scared a lot of people, especially as orders came from the Catholic pope at that time to kill and slaughter all people who did not believe in Christianity. As a good person, would you believe that God who created us would condone killing for any reason? Anyway, a lot of unreasonable pain has been inflicted on innocent people in this world. It is time to stop the bigotry and narrow minded attitudes. Wicca is one such path. It is a path that respects the Earth and the rest of the Universe. Our goal is to preserve the world we live in and respect each and every soul that lives in it. We believe that all of us who co-exist here, including animals, birds, plants and humans have the same type of energy pulsing through our veins. We are all the SAME! We also have the same powers to create beauty or evil by our thoughts. Evolution is one way that all beings on this earth has changed according to their wishes. We can do that to, by sharpening our mind and focusing deeply on what we would like to create in our lives. That is Magick. We believe that we do not have to die to get rewarded or punished for our behaviour towards others. The Law of Karma returns whatever we do back to us three fold. If we do good to the world, the world returns it back with interest. The same goes for evil or negative attitudes. The interest may at times make us shout “Why me?” but it also helps us adjust our attitude and learn to live with everyone else in harmony. We can make hell or heaven right here on Earth! And our spirits do not die. We return to the Earth or other worlds to experience spiritually uplifting lessons that will ultimately raise all to remain perfectly flawless at all times! Hope this helps answer your question. Brightest Blessings!

Rose Ariadne: Providing “Magickal” answers to your Pagan, Wiccan, Witchcraft spell casting questions since 2006.

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