Will I go to hell if I practice Magick?

Will I go to hell if I practice magick? Like will I go to hell if I did spells and became a witch?

Merry Meet Seeker, No, you will not go to hell because there is no place like “hell”. We can make our life hell or heaven on this Earth itself. Many people believe that hell and heaven exist mainly in our imagination. There are religions which scare people into believing that we will be severely punished if we disobey an invisible entity called God. However, in most of these religious “houses”, people who actually teach us about “going to hell” sometimes do the worst offenses known to mankind. Witchcraft, as is practiced in the Wicca Religion is a safe, pure and inspiring religion. It is growing in leaps and bounds all over the world! There are no negative consequences if you practice or do not practice Wicca religion. Inspiring, isn’t it? If it was a scary or punishing religion, it wouldn’t have thrived over the ages. Goodness will triumph over fear. That is why the religions which propagate the idea of a judging and vengeful God do not thrive anymore. When you become an adult (or if you are one already) please read about all of the religions in the world and make your own choices. We can also live without joining any religions. There are billions of good people in the world who do not follow any religion. Many of the wise people in the world believe in pagan or natural religions. Nature, which is all around us, is highly intelligent and magickal. As a witch, we don’t have to worship anything or anybody. However, we respect almost everything in the world because we are all the same. The ground we walk on, the air we breathe, the water we drink, the shoes and clothes we wear and everything around us are made up of atoms. Yes, we are all made from the same material. And all cultures come from the same gene pool. No one is different from another except in the way we think. Practitioners of Wicca believe that we can create our future using the strength of our mind and spirit. The more spiritual you are the more powerful your mind will be and the more you ability you will have to create your destiny. So go ahead, seek your own way of living. Enjoy every moment on this earth! Brightest Blessings. Rose.

Rose Ariadne: Providing “Magickal” answers to your Pagan, Wiccan, Witchcraft spell casting questions since 2006.

2 Responses to “Will I go to hell if I practice Magick?”

  1. Hope says:

    If you do witchcraft when you know that it is wrong, then yes you could end up in hell. Why sell your soul to the devil just so that you can do spells. Hell is an eternity…. just try to think about how long that will be. You can never get out from your suffering. God is the one who saves us if we accept his offer to redeem us from the wrong things that we have done. Please just ask yourself “Is it really worth it?” I hope that you understand that I just don’t ever want to see anyone end up in Hell because I understand that it will be horrible and never ending.

  2. brooke says:

    you are a fool God is real and majic is of the devil!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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