Will magick bring the devil to your home?

Dear Rose, my mom wont let me practice magic and says it will bring the devil into my life. i really love practicing it. what do i do?! christianity,or witchcraft. ugh i just feel like crying

Merry Meet Seeker, There is no way that you can bring the Devil to your home because “Devil” or “Satan” are imaginary symbols and do not exist. It is very difficult to make people understand that the Devil or Satan are Christian creations. These “evil spirits” have existed in many people’s imagination for a long time. Devil or Satan (I will use the term Devil from now on in this answer) were created by people who wanted to control others through fear. You can see how afraid your mother is. She and many others like her have been taught to believe that Christianity is the ONLY way to live. If you travel around the world, you will find people living peacefully following many many religions or none at all. Religions are not necessary for living. However, most people are led to believe that we will go to hell (another Christian invention) if we do not follow the Church’s orders. However, don’t despair, you will grow up and become an adult. Then you can decide which religion to choose and live by. Many people decide to live without any religion because life is all about finding our path through spirituality. We have to find it inside of us, not in some large corporation style building with rich priests preaching to us. Read online about how America is changing spiritually. So wait until you can make a decision and then no one can stop you from practicing the most natural thing in the world – witchcraft. Hope this helps you stop crying and start smiling. Brightest Blessings Rose.

Rose Ariadne: Providing “Magickal” answers to your Pagan, Wiccan, Witchcraft spell casting questions since 2006.

2 Responses to “Will magick bring the devil to your home?”

  1. tony morgan says:


  2. tony morgan says:


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