Will my boyfriend divorce his wife and marry me?

Is Kenchato Bass going to divorce his wife and marry me? Is he in love with me like he says he is?

Merry Meet Friend, I can see that you are worried about your relationship with Kenchato Bass. However, you have also mentioned that he is married. Indeed, that is a warning signal. Read on to understand why I think that getting involved with a married man usually ends in disappointment for both lovers. First of all, Kenchato probably loved his wife once, like he says he loves you now. And while he is married, he is already professing his love to you. Men who have cheated on their wives will most certainly cheat again. Even if he “gets rid” of his wife and marries you, how can you live in peace? You will probably spend all your time wondering where he is and why he isn’t coming home when he should. Also, a guy who can cheat so easily has few scruples. So he may not be a worthy husband for you. Ok, so let us say that you disregard my advice and marry Kenchto Bass. In witchcraft, there is only one rule. You can do anything you want unless you intend to harm another. Kenchato’s wife is the victim here. She probably has no idea that he is even thinking of cheating on her. Many times the wives are the last to realize that their husband is cheating on them.By harming a living thing, you are inviting danger into your life. As for Kenchato, I am sure he already heard from the Universe. If Kenchato Bass hurts his wife and then marries you, you will also get hurt because you knew very welll that you were going to hurt someone. If they have children, the danger for you is even more. My advice is to forget any man who is already married and find someone who will fall in love with you for the right reasons. You deserve it! Brightest Blessings. Rose.

Rose Ariadne: Providing “Magickal” answers to your Pagan, Wiccan, Witchcraft spell casting questions since 2006.

One Response to “Will my boyfriend divorce his wife and marry me?”

  1. Vicky-Jane says:

    I completely and totally agree with Rose. This can only lead to trouble in his life as well as your because you are fully aware. Be ever aware of the law of three. What ye send forth comes back to thee…
    Being an ex of someone who cheated on me…I can tell you that the feelings of betrayal are excruciatingly painful and it takes a very long time to heal. Find someone else who is not already attached. Read the Wiccan Reed…understand it and heed its meaning. Good luck and Bllessed Be!

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