In general, Celtic Wiccans celebrate exactly the same 8 Sabbats as Wiccans on other paths. Some may add additional celebrations such as the raising of the May-Pole Ceremony. The Celtic New Year was also celebrated on November 1, the day after Samhain. The lunar calendar is an important aspect of Celtic Wicca. Unique to this path is that each one of the 13 lunar months is named after a plant or a tree.
In example:
* Birchmoon: 24 December – 20 January
* Rowanmoon: 21 January – 17 February
* Ashmoon: 18 February – 17 March
* Eldermoon 25 November – 22 December
The 23rd of December does not resort under any moon and is termed “Secret of the Unhewn Dolmenâ€.
A further unique element in Celtic Wicca is that they count the nights, not the days in reckoning dates. In addition, feats, rituals and celebrations were based on the moon, The Celtic day also started at Midnight.
On the Celtic path, great emphasis is placed on the natural world. Herbs, colors, the Fae, plants, trees, flowers, crystals etc are studied in depth from both a healing and a magickal perspective.
Unlike the ceremonial approach to magick of the Alexandrian Wiccans, Celtic Wiccans hold a very practical and earthy view of this art. Celts do not see magick as a separate practice at all, but as an integrated aspect of daily life. Magick becomes a part of the food preparation, the household, the jewelry they wear and the cutlery they use. Celtic Wicca is in all probability the only Wiccan path that draws extensively on nature spirits’ assistance during magick.
Numbers are considered important in both spell crafting and casting as well as in mundane life. The numbers of power in Celtic Wicca are 3, 5, 7, 9 and 13. In example, if a piece of cloth is used, it may be 5†x 5†in size or a spell may be repeated thrice for extra power. Their reverence for trees goes beyond naming the lunar months after trees. During magick, wands fashioned from specific woods and burning specific woods during rituals and celebration lend specific powers to the spells and rituals respectively.
The path of Celtic Wicca will not be mastered within a year or even five. It is literally a lifelong quest of practice, study and dedication. Its intricacy and variety is greater than any other Wiccan path, the traditions it is based on ancient and the mythology it draws from, rich. For these reasons, Celtic Wicca is only suitable for those who have the strength of conviction, the ability to persevere and the desire to succeed.
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