Sounds like more Hollywood to me. Blood witch as if others in your family were witches and you inherited some psychic ability? Hard to tell. Wicca was so underground for so long out of necessity and to escape persecution that most of our ancestors who practiced would have been very secretive about it. Some covens use blood to bind themselves together as a family, but the practice is losing ground as we understand the problems with blood born pathogens, so the practice is fast becoming outdated.
Umm, Im don’t know if most people are aware or not but the concept of the “seven clans” and “blood witches” was created by Cate Tiernan for her fiction book series “SWEEP” or “WICCA” in the UK. If you read the book Sorgitzak it talks about being of the blood or La Sangre in Spanish.
In Latin American Witchcraft (NOT WICCA) we have Brujas or Witches. We call those born to Bruja parents La Sangre, we don’t talk about ti because its a sacred thing and forbidden to speak about it to those who are not La Sangre.
However, there are records of those being Of The Blood in European Witchcraft (NOT WICCA) thos born Of The Blood usually don’t know about it seeing as most Witches intermarried. So the Blood Line tends to be frequent, dormant, and weak. Those coming from Strong lines tend to have a natural ease at Witchcraft, with strong connections. The reason why they are considered more powerful is that they have to work less as hard to produce the same results. But please Wicca is a RELIGION developed in the 1940′s by Gerald Gardner, borrowing LARGE portions of non-secretive practices of Witches and Ceremonial Magick.
But I can guarantee you that if ever you have met a “real” witch La Sangre you haven’t known it, because they don’t tell ANYONE not of the blood.
my name is christina. i don’t really know if i have any powers.. i do have short visions. but? they mean nothing. they dont have any importance. they’lll just be a certain person in a certain place at a certain time. but sometimes there are a few seconds longer. i was wondering if there was anyway to further those visions?
hi, i don’t know if i’m a bood witch or not, i’ve tried spells, but sometimes i’m not very confident so i don’t know if i did them right, my mood changes with the weather sometimes and i’m very confused….am i a witch, and can you really fly on a broom?
i need help!!!…
hi, sky firestar again, if anyone can help, contact me: [email protected]
hi its me again, i am just adding to my last comment that the weird things that happen to me are well sometimes i just know things and also i have always been into this sort of thing and i feel quite connected to it. also some of my family members (2 aunties) have odd things happen to them a bit like i have so i just dont know what to do please help
blessed be
hi im only 13 and discoverd wicca through a book called the coven i really enjoy it altought i do not do many spell since i am not sure how to control my powers because we had sports day and i did a rain spell so i would not have to do the 800m race it rained for a week after i did it i really need help to find out what coven im in my parents do not know or at least i have not told them i need help to find out my true potential im addopted and do not know my true parents altought i do belive they where wiccan because i used to have visions when i was 4 and can still control the weather help me please thankyou
blessed be
thank the godess
Im eleven and i may be adopted… im not really sure my parents wont tell me and i feel diffrent from the other kids at school i dont know what to do but all of a sudden im intrestd in wicca and i need help
im also 11 and i just love wicca.i also love red and black,i could live without those least thats how i feel.i really want to know if i am a witch or can i do spells or do those magickal things you people metioned.please help!
anyone help me?
Merry meet, I have been a practising witch for coming on 8 years now,my gifts include clairsentience, visions and when i am upset or ill nothing electrical in my home works properly, if i am really cross my lightbulbs explode when i walk into a room. I am sure that i am a hereditary witch, as a child my main memory of whenever i visited my maternal grandmother she was always pottering around the kitchen and chucking herbs and spices in a big pot on the stove while mumbling to herself, whn i used to ask what she was doing she’s just say keeping my hands busy. I used to call my nan the old witch as term of endearment but until she died and i found her journals i didn’t actually know how true that was. My mum is also gifted with visions and when she worked in the nursing homes she was nick named the angel of death because the residents when they were ready would only pass over when she was working, but she is afraid to use her gifts. My older sister has the gift of vision and is also afraid to use it too. My daughter and two sons are always surrounded by spirits. All three were blessed by a wiccan priestess who says she is from the town we live in but we never see her around unless i have my children with me and i have never been able to find out who she is. Of all my family that is still of the physical I am the only one so far who has embraced my heritage.
me and my friend are confuesed we think were witches we dont no why its just a strong feeling inside us. can you help how can we find out?
I am so very confused. I’ve read the above posts and still I do not know. I cannot belong to my family’s religion no longer. I know wicca is calling to me, and I can feel it, but the things I sometimes expiereince…. I know it’s real but I feel very alone, and I can’t tell anyone. I don’t know how to develop what I can do, or anything, but I know that I do have witch and shaman blood in me. I just don’t know how to connect with it anymore. How can I really know if the things I experince are real?
i wanted to ask that what if your not a blood witich or you dont have any special powers like changing the weather and other stuff but your instincts are very strong, and your intrested in wicca stuff can you practice it? will it work?
im not wiccan or part of any and as far as i know non of my family has been my mother and aunt use to be able to do things my aunt still does just like i can when i go to sleep not all the time just every now and then i dream of something and i know the diffrence in my dreams cause these are more detailed well any time i have a detailed dream it comes true a week or a month sometimes a year only one has been longer then a month i dont know why i have these and if someone tells me about a dream i can have the same one and be able to tell them what happened they dont tell me much but i have the dream and im able to describe the surroundings i dont know why i can i dont know who to talk to dont want to ask my family no telling what they might say want an outside opinion i had a dream when i was 17 that i went to iraq and came back with no physical injurys well when i turned 20 i went and came back like it happened in the same airport and everything if im supposed to have these how do i control them were there not so speradic is it just chance or is there a way i can test to see if i can push them further
ok so at times i can since peoples feelings and have visions even though i dont know that thats what they are untell it happens what dose that mean both of my parents are LDS and at times dont belive me and im wonduring what that means can i be a blood witch ????
Hi I’m 16 and I feel like I have some kind of connection to wicca like the witch part I don’t think I’m a blood witch and nothings weirds ever happened to me but, I feel some kind of connection to it please help me!
i am a blood witch all my faily are nacromancers i am be learned the way of nacromancers.
This is difficult for me as I was raised Christian. Something in my life is out of balance and I am struggling to make it right. As much as I have wanted to believe in the Christian Faith and have even tried to will myself to do so…something just doesn’t add up and it scares me. I sense too often that what I read is lies made up of men. I am a very analytical person, very much so and even made quiet a living in the intelligence community for some time. Still, as much as I have learned, and as much as I have seen…I am but lost. My Mother has amazing gifts as I see them. She dreams things that comes true, senses when someone will pass away. She even talked to me with her mind when I was a child and FREAKED ME OUT!!! My father on the other hand is a very no nonsense kind of man. Sometimes I feel that something is suppressed in me. Does that make any sense? Also, I have been experiencing a very odd sense of calling. I can’t explain any of this. The only things I have experienced myself that seem odd and out of place for the natural way of things is that I was always able to make things go my way (until I became Christian), I get pit feelings in my stomach still though and I listen to those as I had a terrible one on the day of my wedding to my first husband that I didn’t listen to and paid for dearly. I don’t remember my dreams, not since, well, since I began studying the Bible. Another oddity it seems – but maybe this is for lots of people…my mood seems to evolve around the moon and I feel drawn to the sea (so much so that I enlisted in the Navy and served for 10 years — I felt called to it and did not change my path — I was 13 when that calling started. When I left the Navy and moved away from the beach…I became depressed and I have been struggling with depression off and on ever since. Am I just silly? Thanks in advance.
Im 15 I actually just turned 15 but ever since I was little I’ve always believed in magic and have always believed that I had special powers. And I’ve always had dreams that fealt real to me and then later would come true me and my mom have this happen to us all the time. And here recently I’ve found myself looking in some of the wiccan things and have been thinking that someone in my family from the past might have a been a witch so someone please please help me with this I want to actually to have powers seriously I’ve always dreamed of having them. but if anyone and I mean anyone can help me then IM me at anthony0496 or email me at [email protected]
Im 15 I actually just turned 15 but ever since I was little I’ve always believed in magic and have always believed that I had special powers. And I’ve always had dreams that fealt real to me and then later would come true me and my mom have this happen to us all the time. And here recently I’ve found myself looking in some of the wiccan things and have been thinking that someone in my family from the past might have a been a witch so someone please please help me with this I want to actually to have powers seriously I’ve always dreamed of having them. but if anyone and I mean anyone can help me then IM me on aim my screen name is anthony0496 or email me at [email protected]
welll i just wanted to say that i’ ve got spanish heritage and that well idk if i’m a witch . i don’t know if witches can be spanish. the thing is i’ve always felt something in my life is missing .something that i can’t understand. i feel like i’m missing something and i’ve always been interested in wicca and magick. ever since i ‘ve known about this stuff i know i have to study and learn about it . oh and my mom and my grandpa both told me my great granmothers were witches but i’m not sure. it was my grand father from my dads side who told me his mother was a witch . i had asked him when i was little. and he told me .i just know this fits into my life . i’ve always felt strange with other people like i don’t fit in . and i don’t like church even though my parents are catholic/christianish. i just know its not for me… if anyone has any help for me or advice on how to become a witch so yeah contact me at [email protected]
i want to know if i’m a witch?
well i am 16 yrs old and i believe i am a blood witch. I just doont know ever since i was little i could hear my name being called and i would ask my mom if she called me and she would say no. plus i have always had dreams about the future and they would happen. But i think i might be a descendent of one of the great clans. I just dont know which one , Im tall,but muscular so i may have descened from the vikroths. but i have also seen spirits and just sensed stuff if you know what i mean.but i would really like some help on the subject. thankyou
When I read some of the comments, I saw that Silver RavenWolf was giving advice herself. I’ve been studying Wicca since December and since then I’ve been called both a natural witch and a blood witch. I recall “controling” small flames since the age of 5 and i still can now. I’ve also had expierence in Astral Projection. I hope you can help me. I just want to know what clan I may come from and how I can contol my powers. Thank you so much for helping me and thank you for writing such wonderful books. (I’ve read Teen Witch, and To Ride a Silver Broomstick)
Um, Chelsey… That wasn’t Silver Ravenwolf. It was someone called Raven Silverwolf. Also, the Seven Great Clans, woodbanes and the like, are a work of fiction by an author called Cate Tiernan. She’s a great writer and I like her books but they are fictional.
I stumbled on this and thought it would be interesting to see what everyone had to say,i have loved magick for a real long time ever since i was little i was inlove with magick for holloween i use to dress up as a witch and grab my mums broom and jump of high stuff to pretend i was a witch,at a young age i was always diffrent then the other children i was a loner i hated most people i also think i seen spirits many time one even talked to me before around 3:00 o’clock or 2:30 or something i couldnt go to sleep so i stayed up and one was under my bed and whispered “pssst down here” of course i was scared because i was so young but i dealed with it,i also have taken many quizes to see if i was a real witch and all of them said i was,also all animals love me,i also am a wiccan but i didnt tell my friends because i thought they would think of me diffrent and not accept me or be scared but i found out that my friend was caught doing a spell and that she,and 4 other of my good friends are also it,i was happy and told them about me being a wiccan,and they all said they belived i was,i also took a quiz to see what element i was and it said iwas fire which makes sense because i love the heat,i can be aggressive[most the time im sweet tho],i hold grudges,i seek revenge, and play w/ fire alot even when i was younger,and i also heard that fire doesnt like the wind,and i HATE the wind and also when i feel like theres something bad or evil around ill start to puke,im only 13 and curious if i really am or not,oh and also i can say something like if i say i want so and so to call me that person will call me sometime that day or night,or if i say something about a fight or something,something related will happen within the next few days or the same,i wake up in the middle of the night all the time most the time around 3,i also have dreams of the future most the time it is nothing important its mostley a person i have seen or will see sooner or later,or something my friend or me or someone else says just little things like that,anyways i want to know if i am or not so please tell me
o yea and also my whole name has something to do w/ nature even my last name
I’ve been studying Wicca now for quite sometime. I felt the need to learn more about the unusual feelings and mind powers that have been getting stronger as I get older. I have always felt that my mind has worked in mysterious ways. I decided a while ago to study the witch hood and to decide whether it was the right thing for me or not. But as I learn more I believe my mind and the powers that are in me have grown even stronger now. I’ve tried to figure out if maybe I’m a born witch but I know that is really hard to do. I do believe my mother had extrodunary powers for she use them on my sister and me. I felt a great need or sence to always please her, and she always knew everything about me before I could even tell her anything. Now I can do these things with my children and I can manipulate people’s actions sometimes by just thinking about what I would like for them to do or just by telling them in my head to contact me. I also find myself being able to read what people might be thinking. I was wondering if you could lead me in the right direction in finding out if I’m a true born witch or not. Some say you can tell by the birth chart. Is that so.
My mother has always been into witchcraft, and things along the lines of that. I don’t know much about, but I know she’s had dreams about the future and such, shes very good at predicting things. She’s very sensitive and intune with things like that. She’s always told me I was that same way, but i’ve never really thought to much about. I do get cases of deja vu often, but i’m not sure if that’s my mind playing tricks on me. The other day I was looking through her book cases and such, and found all these books and tarot cards and it sparked my interest, but theres a part of me that thinks it just something fun to mess around with and the other part is drawn to it. The real question is that I want to know is, is it possible that I may be some sort of witch?
Hey how are you ? I think this site is great . But I myself i’am confused about the meaning of dreams that come true . I just wish to expand more my sixth sense
I really need to talk to someone. Ever since i was young, i’ve felt odd only because i was capable of thing on one else was. For some odd reason things would occur that i couldn’t explain through my own desires. Today, something even stranger has happened. A deer shreiked at me for no particular reason while i was sitting on my lawn. As i’m reading all of these symptoms are what i have dealt with as well. I stopped the wind from blowing because it was too fierce. My friend witnessed it. i really need to know if i’m crazy or if this is real.
An aunt of mine was a witch. she brought bird back to life within two days. its all so confusing.
please help me, i’m desperate.
Also, i have dreams that can predict the future. ESP and unexplained pains in my body that alert me of future injury before it happens. But the most significant have been the dreams.
-thank you
really need to talk to someone. Ever since i was young, i’ve felt odd only because i was capable of thing on one else was. For some odd reason things would occur that i couldn’t explain through my own desires. Today, something even stranger has happened. A deer shreiked at me for no particular reason while i was sitting on my lawn. As i’m reading all of these symptoms are what i have dealt with as well. I stopped the wind from blowing because it was too fierce. My friend witnessed it. i really need to know if i’m crazy or if this is real.
An aunt of mine was a witch. she brought bird back to life within two days. its all so confusing.
please help me, i’m desperate.
my apologies, i’ve entered the wrong email this one is correct.
i think im a witch and possibly a psychic. ive tried a couple spells such as changing eye color and stopping a tornado… well, i stopped the tornado but my eye color just burns brighter. anyway i have dreams at night and see them from another persons point of view. they actually come true… i get headaches from the weather change and can finish peoples sentences quite frequently and somehow (this is the weird part) sense their emotions and change based on the energy they’re giving. I need to know if im a witch or a psychic cause something in my ‘human’ life, doesnt click. i feel theirs something else out there waiting for me and sometimes feel so alone. can someone please tell how to [know for sure] if you’re a psychic or witch? thanks
just to add something from above…
heres a list of strange things
(idk if they mean anything)
-dreams that come true
-thinking about something that i want to happen, and just by thinking i can tell if it will or wont… like lets say a bus is coming to pick me up for school, and i think will the bus come and it clicks. its like a knowingness….
-stopping things from happening
-getting headaches hours before the weather changes
-really good sense of hearing and seeing,
i have to put hair over my ears to fall asleep or else i hear the tiniest sounds.
-attracted to fire, it always seems to dance for me
-finishing ppls sentences
-(weird part again) sensing peoples emotions and changing mine based on the energy they give. if someones really hyper, i get hyper too. but if someones bored i have no energy whatsoever
-eye color changing… they change day to day. i had sapphire blue eyes like the ocean when i was a baby, but now i have hazel eyes that change brown-green and sometimes like bold honey colors around the pupil and blue around the rims of the iris.
-really pale all the time, i tan but it goes away really quick… and comes off in peels
-energy with nature and animals.
-some cats really hate me but this one black cat came across my path and stared into my soul… im not sure what that means
-butterflies are always following me around. i think they are my guardian spirits because i see this same monarch almost daily and it helps my luck
-i met a friend who might be a witch and vampire and i didnt think it was crazy.. i believe her 100% and it makes sense to me
i think i might be unhuman, and a psychic… so any help would be great
thanks. by the way is there anyway to be 100% certain your a witch/vampire/telepath/psychic?
is it possible to be a psychic or witch if no one in your family is?
hey im trying to meet new witches in my area so if u’re in cali give me a call 661 360 8890
I just turned 14 on january and im not sure if im a blood witch but i know im a natural witch,i pretty much see and hear stuff that normal people don’t notice,i get dreams that later come true and i seem to feel the emotions others feel around me…strange things have happened to me,i keep seeing black birds on a tree besides my bedroom window and at night i can’t sleep,and if i do sleep i wake up outside of my mother is a blood witch so is it possible i may be one also?-blessed it be
I’ve been wondering. For a while now, since i was about 11 or 12 (i’m now 14) i’ve been having strange things happening to me. I’ve had dreams that have come true and I’m able to predict whats going to happen by accident. For instance i will say what if so and so happens and that’s exactly what will happen. Or sometimes I will have something come up in my head, like a random thought about what’s going to happen and it comes true. All this only happens sometimes though.
I’m wondering if this makes you a blood witch?
Sorry i forgot something, but i’ve felt a pull towards nature all my life and i’m obsessed with it. Also when i found out about Wicca and read a little about it, it felt like I’ve done it before and that i was meant to be doing it. I finally felt as though I fit in the world which i havn’t felt like for a long time. Could this also explain my being a blood witch?
Hi Rose, I would actually like to ask you a question! Bit of a change from the above….
I would like to run a dream past you and get your thoughts on it.
This is a dream I have had before with slight changes to varying degrees but the general gist of it is the same.
I have a birds-eye view of myself in the dream.
I can see myself in the dream, I am in a house which is on fire, there are two or three witches in the house with me, the roof is burnt off, and they are holding me down with chains. I am looking up to myself and the last time I had the dream I screamed out to myself “Raspallah!” and woke up.
When I was a little girl I also used to hear a lady whisper in my ear, I never saw her, but for some reason I knew that she had red hair. I forgot about this until one day when I was about 16, I was on a bus and she came up and shouted something in my ear again, and I remembered her.
Could you give me your thoughts on this please?
Brie – Australia
hey im shelby.and every time me and my frined k.p(my best friend)are togeather durin the fall we feel soo weird.we look a like so much! and one day we made up a spell.and when i walked away she just feel adn could barly remember y she feel.when i came to help her the trees started to move in all directons! does this mean any we r so confussed. were turin 13 soon! we think we r witch or some thing.i can make a flame of fire move. we can small and tast the rain..we really r confussed so can some one plz help…
hi i always wondered if i was special in any way
for a long time now i have had many dreams and they all have come true, ive been very fasinated in witches ever since i was little
i was told by my mother that her mother in law would use witchcraft and her sisters too…my cousin and i always seem to feel something different about us then from our other side of the family…but the side that we are both from we feel this sort of close connecton…we feel as if theres more to us…i wonder if theres something more to us…cats always seem to pop out of no where and be by me im not sure if that means anything..i can sometimes feel when something is near me like a presence of somesort…i have many questions and i hope someone can help me…. thanks for your time
I can tell what people are going to say before they say it I am young and facsinated with witchcraft and read about it online, search it, read it in books, and I try to practice it. My parents think its stupid and won’t believe me I just want to know how to tell if you are a witch!!! I think I may be but anytime I talk to my parents about it they ignore me. WHAT DO I DO!!!???
I feel a little silly writing this, But I thought if anywhere It might be here I can find some sort of answer, since looking up Blood witch has returned nothing, sept for a single poem, aboutshe comes in dreams.
What is a blood witch? I had this dream, Blood witch was something sort of a ritual they were going to do to call one, and I noticed, a woman standing next to her slumped over body, she grabbed the hand of the body , and drug it, I dont know if she spoke for real or if it was only in my mind but she was screaming in my thoughts say my name… I turned unable to face her… and screamed her name. NEXT THING I KNEW, the body she drug started crawling in my womb… blood trailed down my legs, and she sort of just I dont know how to say it, but scoot into me? She just vanished inside me…. I dont know maybe its just a crazy dream…. but I was curious if anyone knew what a blood witch was.
thank you xoxoxoDee
Hehe. Im sorry. I got so caught up in my explanation I was wondering is there any possability that I could be even part witch?
Hi everyone I stumbled over this on the not peposly but that usualy happens lol I’m on my phone so pardon all mispelled words Ive lived my life up to this point I’m now fourteen turning fifteen in October I’ve not heard much on this sub but I think I’m one and in tune with wind I’m not sure about the clan thing I’m not sure who my real mom n dad r either my grandma changes sub everytime I say something Im raised by her last week I found out i had three bros three sisters that makes me a 7 of a 7 and have to forfill my legacy from what she tells me
what exactly is that she won’t tell me till I’m 15!
what is that exactly and can a male be a witch?
Here it’s the waking hour so I’m bound to get some sleep check in the mornin for any answers
idk if this means something but when i was little i would always hav the same mightmare again and again for about a year in the nightmare it was a black thing trying to pull me in but it went away but wen i was tewelve i got the same dream again but that time i was able to see that the thing had a blue face with a black robe and also a yr ago i had wished that my teacher wud disaapear and 3 days later he had died from a heart attack does this mean that im a witch or something like that
ive always been intereted in wicca , ever since i was little strange things happened to me , i could talk with the wind, maybe im just crazy but i swear i ask it questions and when i close my eyes and feel it all over me it gives me images and small yes nor no answers.once i was watcing tv when all of a sudden i started to hear a quior of angels in my head and i couldnt tune it out if i tried , not that i wanted to .. it was beautifull.once i my friend told me to ask the wind if her boyfriend loved her so i gave me the image of the number 8.8 days later her boyfriend broke up with her.Once my friend asked me how her old friend from her homestate was doing i asked the wind and it gave me the image of a little girl sitting by a tree , my friend said what idescribed sounded like the tree in her friends backyard were they burried a “friends forever” time capsule , idk what all this means but ive often felt like i have alot of power but i dont know how to use it or chanel it , i would appreciate it if you could help me understand wha i am and why i can do what i can do.
Ok… I’m really not sure where to start but I guess I’m just asking if their is a way to tell if I’m a blood witch. I’m adopted so I don’t know my parents. But Ive been reading these posts and some things people say I can feel as well. The biggest thing… And now that I think about it I use it alot, is I can I don’t know if you’d say hear/read peoples minds it feels more like predicting. I once posted it on facebook when my friends were on vaca. I put a status and all of what my freinds reactions would be. When they saw it they said I was dead on I didn’t even know some of the people. Also even if people are far away if I focus on them it’s like I can hear them/their mind like a wierd connection. I’m not sure if they can feel it too… But maybe cuz I was think about this boy I liked but I never showed it then the next couple of days it seemed like he knew and was sorta… Idk shy? Then later I was thinking that even If I did like him we’d probally never work out and I only want to be close friends then the next day he visited my homeroom and now were close friends srry for the long post and that’s only a little but if you need to know more email me at [email protected]
P.S I think it just happened again this morning I was thinking about my laptop ( it was out being repaired) and I sorta thought/saw me using it tonight and just 3 minutes ago it got delivered to my house