Sounds like more Hollywood to me. Blood witch as if others in your family were witches and you inherited some psychic ability? Hard to tell. Wicca was so underground for so long out of necessity and to escape persecution that most of our ancestors who practiced would have been very secretive about it. Some covens use blood to bind themselves together as a family, but the practice is losing ground as we understand the problems with blood born pathogens, so the practice is fast becoming outdated.
My wife is a Blood witch. Yes, they exist, but they aren’t usually Wiccan, as far as I know…
Symptoms may include: dreams of wearing only Red and Black and subsequently feeling uncomfy in any other colours; a Manifestation of sexual energy and karuna in almost every relationship, so much so that nearly every other human touching your path proposes marriage or declares you thier ‘soul mate’, even when causally met on buses; as well as a clear preference for poly and bisexuality. Oh, and creating everything you want in life with relative ease…
At least, those are her qualities…
I can feel “something” in my house. and i wanted to know if me being able to communicate with them in my head means that i have some kind of powers. I can usually feel them when they are in the room and i ask them questions and for some odd reason a voice diffrent than my own answers in my head. i was just wondering. what could that mean?
when i am sleep i have wierd things going on and then i wake up and what happened in that dreams really happens . i also know that i am a witch becuase i can make things diapper
I don’t really know too much about my powers, but strange things happen.
I can read people’s minds, I know what they’re going to say before they say it, and as crazy as it seems, but my mood changed the weather.
Since I was feeling depressed, it has been cold and gloomy outside for the past two days.
I’m trying to figure out what coven I’m in.
Any help? Any advice how to find out?
I don’t know much about my powers, but as I learn more and more about Wicca, I feel my powers getting stronger and stronger. Like I can read peoples minds, know what they’re going to say before they say it, and as crazy as it sounds, my mood changes the weather. I’ve been feeling depressed for the past two days, and it’s been gloomy and cold for the past two. I’m trying to figure what coven I’m in, too. Any advice on how to find out? Please help.
I am, a blood witch, since my mum was a witch. I am trying to find out which coven I’m in, and I have been told I am in a very bad coven, and well, is it possible to change your coven? ( I am wiccan) If not, well then, is it possible to look into other covens, and adapt to those? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Here’s my aim: screams suicide
I really need help. I was incredibly upset, and I did some black magick (vanishing) and well, is it possible to undo spells? PLEASE help me.
please help i really need to no if i’m a witch i’m 11 and i really think i am i have been feeling like i don’t fit in with people who don’t love halloween or hate witches i spend my l.a. period drawing ghosts in my notebook i can do a few spells that work and if i am do you really fly a broom please help
when i was younger (it started when i was 10) i was able to control the weather. not by my mood but by ‘speaking’ to it. when it was cloudy and i wanted to go play outside i could make the clouds move to one direction and make the wind change direction too. then one day i told one of my best friends about it. i’d never known what it was but when i spoke to her about it, the word for it just came out of my mouth. but from that day on it never worked again. i feel like part of me is missing and i wonder how i could regain it…also i would like to find a coven in my area but i dont know how to… i’ve never spoken to anyone about this…help would be greatly appreciated
hi everyone, i have been wiccan for half of my short life, im about to be 16. i began to experiance visions, dreams when i was around 10. i was in a very bad relationship, and i lost myself in that process, and i was just wondering how could i get more into my religion again? thank you
bless be,
hi there…i know this is weird but i have always wanted to know if i was special in some way or another life sucks right now for me and i don’t know who i am if someone can tell me how to find this out please tell me i have always thought that things are not what they appear to be in this world.
i have just recently found out about wicca
and i fell in love with it,
i believe i have been wiccan all my life
i have always felt a connection with nature
since i was born, i also have a power per say i can tell if this is someones first life or if they have been reincarnated, i also know about my past life because when i was little the memory of that life came with me into this life, i can also have this connection with animals i can feel what they are feeling, and i can make electronics work if they dont work for other people, and i can do this thing where i can send energy to other ppl to help them complete a task
am i a blood witch?
hey as i went though the posts lots asked what coven thay were in you make your own coven with other witches there must be atlest 4 in it (earth air fire & water) you can have more if you wont but you cant just be in one ot doesnt work like that
& there was one thing i forgot to say there is no black or white magic it is all in the witch if you think bad then it will be bad but bewere what you do will come back x3 so dont do anything you would not wont to happen to you
I have been doing alot of research these days into the paths of a witch. My husband is Wiccan and we have been married for 22 years. He only recently found his path in life, about a year ago in fact. At that time I was studying the bible with Jehovah Witnesses and I must say that I have a very strong spiritual need/want. My husband has been telling me alot of things about witches and his beliefs and I find myself more and more drawn to it. Which for me is very rare because I have a very strong Christian background. In my life there have been things that I couldn’t explain but would never look into because I was taught that doing so was against God and that Satan will turn himself into an angel of light to get you in his clutches. I have kept so many things hidden inside for so long out of fear of God and I don’t want to be afraid anymore. Here are some of the things I am talking about. I have dreams vivid that come true. I wake up and tell pe ople about these dreams and then the next day something will happen that I dreamt about. It has been that way for me from the time I was able to speak. I have extremely vivid dreams all the time. I have a way of sensing when something is wrong for instance.. when we had my foster daughter a while back I woke up and knew something wasn’t right. I didn’t know what it was but I just knew that there was something wrong. I got out of bed climbed up the stairs of my then 3 story house and there was my foster daughter lighting a fire in her bedroom. There was no sign of smoke or smell but I just knew. Things like that happen to me alot mostly with the pets we have. I can allways sense when something is wrong with them. I wake up with a feeling ,a deep deep feeling that won’t let me rest. A feeling thats telling me I need to go check on the dog. Sure enough there she is giving birth to her puppies. Stuff like this happens to me on a monthly basis. I feel like there is something inside me.. something very very strong that wants to come out but I cannot explain what it is. My favorite place to be in all the world is in the woods. I live on a dead end street with a 3 mile long wooded area behind my house and I feel at home when I go there as does my husband and my children as well. Our favorite thing to do as a family is to go walking in the woods. I also have a very keen sense of when somebody is lying to me. People allways tell me I should be a detective because nobody gets away with anything around me. I can go on and on about things like this in my life. Things that “happen” to me or around me but I feel I have said enough. I don’t know what my point is here and I am actually afraid to death of what is happening to me I have spent my whole life avoiding these feelings and ignoring them like I was taught but now,.. I want to know no..I NEED to know is it possible that I am a witch in the real sense not the Hollywood version sense. My Gr andmother was very old when she died. She was 98 and a full blooded Indian (not sure if that matters) I was 9 when she passed. She was allways saying that there was a witch in the family and from a small child I allways believed it was me but never said anything to anybody out of fear. I use to think I was just cursed and thats why I allways found out everything about everyone and I believed that ignorance was bliss. I believed that Satan was putting these feelings inside and making me think I had powers to turn me aside from God. Now..well now I am facing my fears and taking God out of the picture for a while to find out who I am. I am sorry for the long post but this wasn’t an easy thing to say/talk about and I wanted you to get the whole picture. If anyone knows anything that might be helpful to me..bring me closer to my path in life then I would really like to hear from you. Thank you very much for reading.
Members in my family and I have these dark feelings sometimes. I don’t know if we are crazy or not but at night and very rare in the day we have these feelings like something dark is there. My older brother exsperienced it in another state so it might not just be our house. I’m only 16 so I can’t go to the doctor to see if i’m crazy or anything. Please help because this fear is killing me…
for about a little less than a year i have been having really bad dreams that somehow one part of sign of it comes into reality, and have really massive headaches. when my dad gets angry or puts it in his mind h can change the weather or make something move. before i wouldn’t take any of this serious, but as time passed i feel that unexplainable things occur to me. i would really really like to know if any of this is in my family. anyone please respond back
Sandy honey, instead of taking God out of the picture … why not try seeing if God in real life is bigger than how he’s represented by others who are usually only parroting what people taught them. There are so many things in the world and many forces we don’t understand. Accept what you know is good, live life fully and with love and you’ll find you have not left God behind at all.
Melissa asked on October 28, 2007 at 6:16 am if you could undo spells….the answer is no. What ye send forth comes back to thee, so ever mind the rule of three. -The Wiccan Law…….What it means is that you must cast a spell wisely. It comes back to you threefold and you can’t undo the spell; you MUST let it run it’s course. Let this be a warning to all witches everywhere.
The word magick is speled with a “K” to seperate it from illusionary magic, spelled without a “K”. And to those who asked what coven they are in, you can’t find out. Why? You have to JOIN a coven. Not automactically be in one. It is a life-long commitment and you have to go through a ritual to join. What you must be REALLY asking is what CLAN you descended from.
To descend from a clan, you have to be a blood-witch. If you aren’t then you descend from NO clan There were the Seven Great Clans; the Rowanwands, the Vikroths, the Brightendales, the Burnhides, the Wyndenkells, and the Leapvaughns, and the Woodbanes. The wood banes were considered evil, while the Rowanwands were good. The other five were various shades of good and evil. The Woodbanes and Rowanwands warred with each other while the other five allied with one or the other, constantly switching sides.
The Vikroths were warrior types. The Brightendales worked mostly with plants and were sort of doctors. The Burnhides specialized in gem, crystal, and metal magick. The Wyndenkells were expert spell writers. The Leapvaughns were mischievous and humorous and sometimes pretty awful. The Vikroths were related to the vikings and the word leprechaun is related to Leapvaughn.
Anyway, they battled for thousands of years and slowly their numbersdwindled. The Woodbanes and their so-called allies killed their enemies with open warfare or black magick. The Rowanwands hurt their enemies as well, but so much with black magick but by hording knowledge, letting the other clans’ lines of knowledge die out, refusing to share their wealth…..*thinks* I guess an example would be if the members of the Vikroths fell ill and the Rowanwands could cure them, they didn’t. And so their enemies died out. After the Salem witch trails, witches everywhere went into what is known as the “Dark Age”.
As the clans loss their cohesiveness; witches from different clans either intermarried and had children who belonged nowhere, or they married humans and couldn’t have children. Many people thought that the Seven Clans had kept to themselves for so long that they couldn’t reproduce with ordinary people. Then about a hundred years ago, after the old resentments were forgotten and human knowledge of magick almost lost forever,a small group of witches representing all seven clans or what remained of them, managed to emerge from the “Dark Age” and start a Renaissance of Wiccan culture.
They relized that the major clannishness of the tribes had helped cause the cataclysm. So they decided to make one big clan and not longer have distinctions anymore. “Unity in Diversity” They suggested interclan marriages and better witch0human relations. That small group of witches called themselves the High Council and are still around today. And so a person is a blood-witch if they can reliably trace back their hertitage to one of the seven clans. The only reson why I know this is because i’m a member of SEVERAL covens and this is just common, everday knowledge to me. And the spooky thing was this; I knew all this info even before a High Priestess told me.
A site i recommend is It doesn’t have anything on the seven clans but has different branches on astrology, tarot, and even runes. It has spells you can try also but some sre written with humor and may not work, so it’s not 100% reliable; but it’s still worth a look. Well,May the God and Goddess be with you all!
Blessed Be,
Raven Silverwolf ~ Blood Witch
You should hear the Karmic law since we witches pay attention closely to the laws of karma. The Law is this:
Bide the Wicann Law ye must,
In perfect love and perfect trust.
Eight words the Wiccan Rede fullfill,
Harm ye none and do what ye will.
What ye send forth comes back to thee,
So ever mind the rule of three.
Follow this with mind and heart,
Merry ye meet and merry ye part.
Hi i’m 12 and confused everything is werid i think i might be a blood witch i feel lie i can feel it inside of me some kind of power now my mood doesn’t change the weather but when i do spells on that they always work but i think i am but i need to no so if you have any anwers please please tell me thanks
What is Witch blood and how does it get to a family? What is the blessings or problems come with it? I heard it through a friend whom didn’t know much himself. Thank you for your help.
I came across this website by accident when I was actually looking for song lyrics.
I was reading the posts above and was intrigued to say the least about all of this. Can you give me more information about what a blood witch actually is and how you know if you’re one?
I’ve had visions before. Really weird ones, and it’s kind of got me thinking. For example, my mom and I were at a gas station about to leave, and I knew her car wasn’t going to start. Sure enough, it didn’t. Or, when [I hate to make reference to this] the day of VA Tech, my friend said she said it would be a good day and I told her it wouldn’t because something told me that it would be a bad day and my mind was filled with ideas of bloodshed. A few hours later.. I heard about it on the news. Umm, there are lots more, like the night I knew my nana died before I got a phone call. But yeah, does it mean anything or just weird occurances?
~*To answer Xarcht, Witch blood is the blood that flows through yours’ or someone’s veins, that possess magickal powr. The only way witch blood reaches and gets into a family is if you descened from one of the Seven Great Clans. Blessings from this gift can consist of many things such as; knowing all the answers to a test without studying, knowing things before they actually happen,or having visions of past lifes, present, or furtue. Some probelms are also come from having this …..unique gift. You may not be able to “reproduce” with an ORDINARY person (not a witch). Your children would have a hard life having to deal with the public.
~*to answer Elle, absolutely NO! these are NOT just weird occurences…. You are DEEPLY in tune with your surroundings and may be a member of the DIVINE RACE. The “Divine Race” is an acient line of people that possess the powers of being able to see the past, present, or future…..If you are skilled in all three areas, this means you are HIGHLY gifted. It seems that you are in tune with more future contents than anything else. Unless, you were only listing future visions. And they fact that you have visions and read the future is quite an ability. If you read my last post, it should tell you about blood witches. As to tell if you are one, read the section about the “Seven Great Clans”…..if you possess some of their abilitys, then you might be one. Especially if you can see the future……May the God and Goddess be with you both, and everyone else!!!!!
Blessed Be,
-Raven Silverwolf
I want to know what I should do. My family is christian, but I don’t feel like I should be. After reading a bit about Wicca I feel like I belong to it. The Earth calls to me, it always has. I’ve always felt a strange connection to the moon and the stars. And whenever I walk through the woods I feel stronger. I tried scrying the other day and I didn’t think it would work, but it did. I was sared at first, but it felt so amazing. Anyways, please tell me what I should do. I don’t want to upset my parents but I don’t think I could live as a christian my whole life.
Thank you. =)
So, not many people actually respond to desperate requests of the i-want-to-know-if-i’m -a-witch variety, but could that change?
I have reason to believe I may be a blood witch, decended from one of the clans, but no way of actually knowing for sure or finding out, that I;m aware of. I’ve considered trying to see if I can cast a spell and it work, but I’m pretty sure that would fall under the Personal Gain category.
So, what I’m asking, and hoping dearly for a response to, is how can I find out for sure? IS their a way of finding out (without paying hundreds of dollars to
I await the reply I know I will get, and give thanks for it in advance.
Love and Light,
~*To Answer Rebekah, If you do not belive in the christian faith or don’t fell like you belong to it, then this is very easy. If you don’t want to upset your parents, then pretend to believe. Take a seat in the back and don’t pay attention. Bring a book or something your enjoy and work on that. Hide it behind something and they won’t know. But be cautious, for there will be a time where the truth must be revealed and look out for that day when it comes….And what you said you feel around you, the same thing happens to me so you are not alone in this lonely world……
~*To answer Michelle, I knew at the begining when I saw your first post, I had to respond it. The connection was automatic. And for your question, yes. There is a way to find out. Read my first post. Read about the clans. Take those aspects and play them into your life. Find the one that describes you MOST….the one that you feel and respond to. Test this with spells (it’s a good way to experiment)….And furthermore, can’t trace back witch family…Why? Beccause it was forrbidden when the Salem witch trails began and it was considered evil and wicthcraft to trace back yours or another’s witch ancestry…. Michelle,you have a great deal of power inside you. It burns and spreads like wildfire. If you could harness that power, you could down unimageable things.Whereever you are, I’m with you in spirt…May the God and Goddess be with you all!
Raven Silverwolf
I wish to know more about this.. my mother brought me into it, not directly but kinda set me on my way.. her aunt taught her. What does this mean? Ever since i was a little girl I have known about the wiccan religion. Never have I attended a real church. Am I full blood.. or is it just my destiny? Im 16 and still wondering.
Madison, I stumbled acroos the Wican Religion at a time a solitude in my life…I was alone and scared and had no one to turn to. You are lucky that you have never attended a real church. Now there are wiccan churches but they are often frowned upon. To sit in a christian when i was little, was nearly unbearable. I knew from the first moment that they told nothing but lies…(no effence to christians out there, its just me)….Your destinty, so far, is unclear. I can sense it, believe or not….Are you a blood witch? That I cannot say. I feel power, but I’m unable to say what clan you descended from or if you are a blood witch at all…But you have more power that I have seen in any human…..If you parents are able to, you should ask if you came from one of the “Seven Great Clans” or what your wicca heritage is…..You can find many books on the wicca religon in bookstores as such as Barnes & Noble or even Borders……In the capital of my particular state, there are many Wiccan Stores….So look on the internet and find so stores near you…..That’s what I did, and you can even look on the internet to see Wiccan Covens in your state or counties near you also…..May the God and Goddess be with you all in spirt and protect each and every one of you!!!!
Blessed Be!,
Raven Silverwolf
I dont know if I am a witch or not, but I can change the weather and change its pace (moving clouds, fastening the wind)by whispering to it and I can also sense a witches ghost in my room. I dont have visions but I do have very weird dreams. I can also sense how my dog is feeling and I can tell when my bird wants to go outside. I dont know if this is just a coincidence or not. And if I am a witch how can I know for sure?? Is there any spells someone can recommend?? And also I am a pure red head, the only one of my cousins, my younger sister doesnt even have it! Does this mean anything?? Someone please help, I really need to know! By the way I am only 14 turning 15 on October.
I was just trying to get more information on witches and Psychic abilities, Ever since my 18th birthday I often have weird dreams that come true. for example, I had a dream (i won’t go to into detail on it) that my father lost his job now this was 4 months before anything went wrong with the company. And about 4-5 months later the company was bought by a bigger company so my father lost his job. Things like this happen all the time not only that I feel…like people are near me when no one is there. I am really confused I talked to one of my friends who is wiccan and She thinks that it is likely that I have received some abilities from my bloodline. I come from mostly Celtic decent. If anyone has any information it would be very helpful.
Thanks for you time,
Malia,…..Celtic descent. Your friend may be right…If you are indeed mostly Celtic descent, the you most certianlly have inherited powers. But, maybe they have only begun to surface with your coming of age. The were probably triggered when you turned 18…..A good way to get a better understanding of what is happen, is to buy a Book of Shadows…but, mind you, they are costly….I just bought a black, jumbo notebook from Barnes and Noble…*laughs*…and it has served me well…The best color to get a BoS (book of shadows) is in black…Why? Because deflects negative energy and depending how much you don’t want someone to read your BoS, it will protect it…In a BoS, your write down spells you have tried, dreams you have had, your thoughts and feeling on ideas and opions, and stuff like that…Trust me, it will help you a GREAT deal on keeping track of things…Think of it sort of like a dairy or journal, only…it’s for that natural aspects of your inner self and environment around you…Keeping one also helps increase your “Third Eye”….or more commonly known as, “Inner Eye”….which, baised on your previous post, you may have a well-tuned one…
Raven Silverwolf
May all of ya’llz “Third Eye” be intuned with the environment and may you increase your physco-karma!…Bless thy Mother and thy Father, The God and Goddess of the Earth!
I have always felt different from other people. Like i have something special about me but i dont know what it is. I have had some powerful dreams that i cant explain and i have always had a great connection with nature. I am so interested in magic. This is very little of how i feel. There is much more to it. If anyone could help me find this out please tell me. I have wanted to know ever since i can remember.
Including to the last comment i posted. It was amazing. I went to my best friends cabin wit her in the mountains. No electricity or running water… i loved it. Well we found this meadow and it was the most beautiful thing i have ever seen. It was huge and overlooked a mountain range. In the center front of it was a high hill with one singal pine tree on it. The tree was large and gorgeous. Once i touched that tree i felt connected. I didnt want to let go. Like i felt everything the tree felt… it was like half of me. I didn’t want to leave when i did, it actually hurt me like i was leaving a close loved one for a long time to stand against whatever was thrown at them. Then i realized walking back to the cabin that i started feeling strongly about all the other tress. I wanted to touch every one and feel there energy and strength. I felt so connected. Ever since i have been drawn to trees and i feel like the earth ever since has kept me grounded and away from harm. I feel so… i dont know how to explain it. Also i am an earth sign.
Wow! What an amazing experience!
….Absolutely amazing! I’ve never heard anything like this! You must have a STRONG connection to nature, especially trees! Try that with other plants or trees and experiment….See what happens!…and again, amazing!…..
-Raven Silverwolf
it was pretty amazing! i have always been very in touch with nature. as a career i am planning on working with the wildlife especially help rehabilitate it. actually this happened last weekend. it had reopened my eyes to my spirituality which was very refreshing cause i had lost touch with it. i have realized though that i don’t connect with every tree around me but by touching them my nerves can be relaxed and things like that. trees are easier to connect with cause i believe they may have more energy… or it might be just me.
also i live in an enviroment with a HUGE amount of trees so that possibly helped a lot with having a connection with trees. which i believe is true.
also thank you for your ideas.
Blessed Be
Hi. I have a feeling that i have some abilities. Not knowing if they are witch like though. Here are some things i have experienced.
- Headaches and feelings of things happening.
- Connecting with nature, (animals, weather,
- Having wierd dreams. Not just me but my
mom has had dreams to.
- Seeing black birds and something happens.
like the birds tell me what they see.
- If people have a problem with electronics
i somehow fix them without knowing how to
work them. Or i do the same thing the person
tries to do on a computer and it doesn’t
work for them but it works for me.
- I seem to know things without accually
reading or studying.
- Im very creative, art maybe my strongest
ability in the sence of expressing my feelings
- Me and my mom both have a beauty mark on our right foot in the same spot. What does that mean?
If anybody could help me. please do.
If i could tell you exactly i would but i dont truely know. what i do suggest though is really try to connect with nature to your highest ability. try sensing earths energy and strength. Your dreams could be telling you about something very important or something you already know but haven’t realized it yet if that makes sense, like a subconcious thing. i dont know if you have any connection with native amaericans but many of the tribes have a high respect for the raven which is a black bird. so maybe you could research about that. for many people art is a way they get out their true feelings. some are more intact with their artistic ability and may have an easier time putting their feelings down on paper. art is a great way to express because it does not need words and words sometimes can never explain what you want to express. im sry that i could not help you but i hope some of my advice will due.
yeah i am glad to help
I’m not sure whether I’m a blood witch or not or whether I’m just slightly insane at the same time
Last year, a while after my thirteenth birthday music started playing in my head constantly, and somehow it stops me being afraid.
Some times I can feel things in the air and I have an affinity for trees, the river that runs through my town and and the woods near the beach.
I’ve got a set of tarot cards and I’m getting a lot more accurate but it’s hard to put the meanings together properly
I’m also practicing telepathy with a boy in my art class and were getting better at it, although I don’t know if it’s got much to do with wicca. And does having British and some Danish ancestry on my mothers side mean anything. Sometimes I’m feel bad things are going to happen and I feel sad, which is strange for me since I usually can’t feel major emotion most of the time….It’s been like that for quite a few months now. I also hate church, I went to church for my cousins christening and I hated it, and at my old school I was bored out of my mind in church class which I hated.
i dont know if i am but i cant tell cause i can try to make things happen and i know nothing about this stuff
Also i think im physic but its in my dreams n i dont know it till it happens and im like holly sh*t
hi, my name is chloe and i need some help! i know you get alot of people asking if they are witches but i really do need help. i do have a celtic background and some weird things do happen to me. as far as i know and as far as they know no one in my family are witches. so i really do need your help, thanks.
I don’t know if i’m a witch through my family line, or if i’m just into wicca, but weird things have happened to me. I do get visions in my dreams, though sometimes i can’t tell if it is just a normal dream or a vision, and it bothers me. Like this one time, i had started dating this guy named Ryan, and the night after we started dating, i had a dream that he was going to break up with me. Then the next day, he did. I know through my grandmother’s side, people in her family have been able to see in the future and everything, but I’m confused. And then there are times, not dealing with the future, and I feel pain that isn’t my own. I can just be sitting at work, and my arm or a leg will just feel like it was injured, and then it will disappear within seconds. I don’t know if that has anything to do with wicca or anything, but if anyone has an idea, please tell me.
Blessed be and may the gods and goddesses be with you
I don’t know how to say this, but I have had weird things happen to me and was wondering what to do. It may seem weird, but at the age of 7 I heard this voice calling my name. There was a girl who was my sister while I was in foster care and I called out to her but she acted like she was in a trance. shortly after that, I was playing with a candle (I have always been attracted to fire) and I envisioned it getting bigger and all of a sudden it really rose scared me so bad I was never able to do it again. I had another incedent where there was a split few seconds where I could breath under water it has happened a few times and it is weird. I keep telling myself that it is impossible and that I was going crazy, but then again I can hear someone say something and go to do it and then when I tell them that I did as I was told, they told me “Oh I was just about to tell you to do that” when I clearly heard them say it already. I also have dreams that sometimes come true. Everything happens to me when I least expect it. Is the reason for me not being able to do it all the time is because when I think about it I say that it is’nt possible? because When it comes to me, I am not thinking that.
sometimes i wish for things to happen and they do..
but not like i expected..
like one time i wished for it to be cooler and this crazy blast of air hit me later on in the day
small things like that happen all the time
i don’t know what to make of them
maybe they’re just a coinsidence, idk.
and also my bones have been aching alot lately
and i’ve been having these dreams/nightmares
it creeps me out
they’re always the same but ii dream them in a different way and each one is longer than the other
that or i forget alot of the first few i’ve had and i’ve been mixing them up
urggh it’s frustrating
awwh my cats staring at me (:
he’s a cutie
hi i’m a blood witch because I can see things and make things pop up?it;s werid because I can’t controll it I so scared and I need help please help .
send me an e-mail if you can help me on [email protected]
okay, soo like many people who’ve posted comments..i think i may be a blood witch. idk. im almost 16, and ive read some of the sweep books. they are what mainly got me into it. but ive loved witchcraft and magick all of my life. im catholic so in my church this is seen as sort of a sin. but i dont care. i feel it in me. i always have. before i even really knew alot about wicca, mainly from sweep and websites, i felt i was destined for something. like something was missing. and now i feel like this is the path i should take. im not adopted. my whole family is christian. but ive had magickal occurences. i can usually sense things that are gonna happen, i can sense when people are talking about me behind my back all of the time. even if i see them once. also like what renee said ^^ about getting electronics to work when they dont for no one else. every time one of my family memebers’ tv is acting up they call me. and i always fix it. i dont know how. i dont really do anything but listen to what my minds telling me. maybe im just a gifted technition? idk. ive also tried some spells. i once did a healing spell for a broken heart on my 2 friends who were really depressed. and it worked! i blessed a charm on my necklace for good luck camping once and it was the best weekend ever. ive noticed that in order for a spell to work on you, you have to help someone. even though my parents are definitly not witches and neither are my grandparents as far as i know, i feel like i am. its confusing. i really want to know. i might have an ancestor. my grandma does have some “psychic” occurences once in a while. soo maybe it does run in the family. but im the only one to have actually considered it and practiced some of the craft. so please help me someone. i really want to know if this is something or im just losing my mind in fantasy.
thank you so much (: