Archive by Author

Witchy Situation

well i am 13 years old….but i want to become a witch…and i tried to look up info but i didnt find anything and when i did find some i didnt understand it…and my mother and step-dad dont know that i want to do this…and i really dont want to tell them ecause they already think i am weird and i dont know if they beleive i this…but i do and i want this really bad…so [...]

Learning Magic

i am 9 years old and i want to learn white magic and i dont now were to start. so i would be so happy if you would help me.thank you!!!

Hairy Issues

Can you please cast a spell for me making my hair indian long? Please becaus everybody in my school always torment me about how i look,they say i look say i look like a man and i look ugly so can you help me?

Am I A Witch?

hi, my name is donny. i am 13 years old and i like to study my faily history. although my parents are catholic, i have irish wiccan blood in me from before saint patrick. so, would that make me a witch if i wanted to be?

Witching Help

hi i am a new witch and i need help! i wont to be the real with but how?

Swedish Whammy

Hi, I met a Swedish woman about thirty years ago. We became wildly intimate. I was aware she dabbled in the occult because she showed me a picture of a female friend of hers who was living with an Indian shaman in Mexico. She visited the friend for about three weeks. She never told me anything about her association with sorcery and such. However, I believe she may’ve put a love spell or something [...]

Give me Spells

look rose, i want to know how to do witch craft… my life is fallen apart my parents arent helping caz im in collage and im willing become a wizard…and well u know . i want to learn spells and other thing . i want to learn magic . its hard to be specific caz there is alot of things i wa….need b4 my life falls completly apart i carved a wand and im also wandering do u need a wand to [...]

I Don’t Want to Be Me

is it going to hurt me? i ging to say this that i wanted to like some is a cebrity wwe wrestleler the his name is the undertaker i like his style evry time when i see what he does on tv i feel like iwan’t to be him his greahis got those evil atitude and is just graet reason why i wan’t to be like him is becouse i never have peace peaple always lough at me you know sometimes i don;t even [...]

Doctor, Doctor….

i want to find some one i use to know, but i do not know how to find him how can i make him find me? his name is doctor angel. and i really want him as my doctor he is sexy and very good looking. and he seems to like me and thinks i am too. i seen him last in 1974 or 1975. help what kind of spell would help bring him to me?

Becoming a Wiccan

Do you know of an incantation and/or ritual when becoming a wiccan? My beloved is interested in becoming a wiccan. The coven I was with at the time (when I became a wiccan), gave me an incantation to recite and we performed a ritual. We did this help me understand wicca more, and to better set the mood. And my beloved was thinking about doing the same thing.

Some Spells

What are some good witch spells?

Making them Love Me

Hello. I tried a “love me now” spell to make my love fall in love with me. I got the spell from my friend. She’s not a witch and the spell did not work for me, so it was either something she made up or she left part of it out or something. I am in love with someone…and it’s not a crush, and it’s not just an ordinary love. We are soul mates. I can feel it. When I [...]

Learning Magic

how dose a person like me become magick and lean to use witch craft i would like you to teach me please.

Being a Witch

In many of the ritual it tells you to take a bath and cleanse yourself, I only have a shower. My second questions is about cats, as a witch do you have to have one ? I love cats and they will come to me my only problem is I’m allergic to them. I only had one cat many years ago that I could be around he was white with blue eyes. Thank you I be looking for your answer.

Getting Him Back

Dear Rose, I understand about not using love spells to manipulate someone as i would not like it done to me. My boyfriend and i recently broke up and we were together for a long time and were living together. We broke up due to external factors that we never resolved and i feel with all my heart that he is my soul mate. i dont want a spell that would manipulate him as i wouldn’t want to know [...]

Does Magic Work?

I’ve always studied books on magick and withcraft. The only thing was that I never figured out how to get the spells to work. Can you give me advice to help me?

How can I increase my psychic qualities?

Thank you Rose for answering this question, i also loved your mini weekly magic course. I am a teen witch, i can tell the weather without forcast. Today i was saying to my friend that it will snow tonight and it did. I sometimes see the future in my dreams (this doesn’t happen very often) i imagine things or something just pops out of my head and it happens. i wonder what this is, i hope you [...]

How can I be happy?

I am heartbroken and have returned to cutting. I feel destroyed about my ex and now am in a disfunctional relationship that hurts me even more. Worst of all the man that I love I cannot have and he loves me too, that is what makes it worse. I feel hopeless and am ready to give up on love. I need peace, please.

How do I become a witch?

Blessed Be, My name is Breanna. Now, I have been drawn to wicca/witchcraft/paganism since I was young. In a “subliminal” way you could say. Such as, when I was a child there was this huge tree/shrub. It was 24 ft tall or so. When I would visit it I felt a presence among me. I called the bush Mother Nature. All around it would be amazing creatures, bugs, etc.. I had this “drawn” [...]

How do we know what life is all about?

There are many things people look at for an excuse to go through life without feeling powerless. People will resort to religion, luck, magick, witchcraft, or anything else to prove a point or to use as an excuse for something that has happened, will happen, or is happening. My first question to you is, how do you know? Do we ever know? Another question is, who is in charge or is it purely the magick [...]
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